Chapter 1|Rachel

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"I'm bored" Tina said while laying on the sunbed next to me.

I lowered my sunglasses to give her a good look. She was stretching her long legs like her life was depending on it. I let a loud sigh.

"More booze?" I asked her snapping my fingers so the waiter will see me.

"Dude, no. let's do something. I feel like fried chicken. We've been here for hours." She sounded annoyed, sitting up and looking at me intensely as she removed her sunglasses.

I let out a chuckle and I noticed the waiter with our cocktails in hand standing next to me.

"Ah, thank you so much Miguel," I said and took the drinks from his hands offering one to Tina.

She scoffed but grabbed the drink anyway.

I took a long sip from my drink savoring the taste of passion fruit with alcohol. Or was it mango? Who can tell? I didn't care any way. As long it was sweet and strong I was okay with it.

"So.." I set the drink on the side table and removed my sunglasses to take a good look at my best friend who, like always, was bitching again. "What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. Something! Let's go out. Find a party to crash." She threw her hands in the air frustrated. "Anything but seating by the pool all day."

"It's the middle of the day. No one is having parties at noon," I straightened out the top half of my bikini so i wouldn't flash anybody accidentally.

"Okay," she said with a deadpan expression "Let's go out to lunch, or shopping. Please? We've been here for a week. I need to interact with people you know." A mischievous grin spread across her face. "Preferably hot guys."

I placed my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt.

"Are you saying I'm not enough?" I smirked.

"I love you, you know that but I need to get laid. I won't do you!" she laughed as she pushed back her ebony hair from her face.

I huffed, put on my sunglasses, and laid back in my sunbed.

"I could've had you if I wanted to," Not a hint of doubt in my voice.

"Oh, please. I'm way out of your league." She laughed and I laughed along with her. "Come on, get up!"

I groaned as she started pulling me up.

"You are a pain in the ass."

The moment I stood, she hooked her arm with mine, something we did since we were kids, and started walking toward my house.

I loved this house.
I loved the view in the ocean, I loved the huge pool, I loved the neatly arranged flower garden. I loved all of it.

I loved my life.

I could sit all day long and then party all night. I felt so carefree, no worry in sight like the sun was shining all the damn time in my land. Or as Tina was saying my Rachelland.

That's right I had a land and I was the queen doing whatever I wanted there.

"When is your dad coming back?" Tina asked as we walked in the house.

I removed my sunglasses and threw them on the coffee table.

"I don't know. He said he hasn't finish with his meetings just yet. There was a problem with one of the ships. I didn't understand exactly what, but ,you know, somethin' somethin'." I spoke with the indifference crossing the living room to reach the marble stairs which led to my room to get changed.

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