Chapter 13|Noah

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I'm sitting in my laptop finishing off an assignment when I hear a light knock on my dorm room. Surprised I stand up to see who is it.

When I open the door she is there with that fiery red dress she wore when I saw her stepping out of the limo earlier tonight. She is leaning playfully on the door frame with a smirk on her face.

Oh, hell that dress! It drives me mad! I feel my temperature raise like it did before and my heart beats quicken.

"What are you d...?" I tried to say but she mutes my lips with her finger whispering a seductively "shhh" and starts walking inside of my room slapping the door behind her.

She places her hands on my neck and moves her body on me making me backtrack to the wall.

Leaving no space between us my hands automatically move to her waist to hold her in place.

She slowly raises her head and looks at me biting her red lips and I feel like I'm going to burst into flames.

"Kiss me." She says slowly and tugs my hair as she leans into me.

My eyes snapped open and I almost jumped out of bed.

What the fuck???

What the hell was that?

As I sit up in my bed trying to calm my breath I push my hair back annoyed. What kind of dream was that? I never dream! It's one of thing I like about me. No matter the case my sleep was always dreamless and that was restful. Now she is interfering with my sleep too making me sweat out of nowhere?

Plus I thought that kind of wet dreams stop after you hit puberty! So what's up with the hard on I feel right now?

I need to cool down. I stand up, repositioning myself and an annoyed growl escape my lips. Thankfully my roommate is out parting so I don't have to explain what's going on with me.

But seriously what's going on? Do I subconsciously like her? Or is it just physical?

I know it's been a while since I had sex but out of all people does it have to be her?

I grab my phone and my car keys and I'm out the door just like that. I need a ride to clear my head. I'm almost running out of the dorms and I reach my car within seconds. Before I open the door I feel my phone buzz in my pants. I check the time and I'm guessing is Conner but to my surprise I have a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey are up?

Me: Who is this?

Can this night be any weirder? First the sex dream, now random messages from unknown numbers? I know it's not a coincidence. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach.

Unknown: So, I checked the movies schedule and the Avengers are playing on Sundays and Tuesdays. Pick one.

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