Chapter 38|Rachel

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Warning!!! Sexual content ahead, read on your own risk!

"Oh, my God!" I say with my mouth almost full. This is the best chicken I've ever had. It's like a tiny orgasm for my mouth. All the flavors are well balanced and it's so damn tasty!! 

He chuckles and looks at me above his glasses.

"So, I guess you like it?" 

"It's so good! I mean, wow! Who would've thought you're a great cook!" I swallow slowly and fill my fork one more time.

He wipes his mouth with his napkin and looks at me smiling.

"Hey, I excel at anything so why not?"

I swirl the wine in my glass before taking a sip looking at him intensely, thinking what he says. There are certain images forming in my mind and suddenly I feel hot and bothered.

"Uh-oh. I know that look." He smirks looking cocky and I must say, I like it. I smile along trying to look all innocent.

"What? I didn't do anything." My voice is betraying me but I keep going. He scoffs amused taking another bite from his food. I can't seem to take my eyes off of him, watching him like a hawk. Trying to memorize every little movement, every little detail on his body language to help me figure him out. To be honest when I first started this chase, I thought things would be easy. Classic insecure nerd and hot popular girl. I mean how hard could it be to win over a guy like that? I've watched so many shows, read so many books and the outcome is always the same. Granted, the popular one is always a guy so the nerdy girl falls head over heels for him in,like, no time but still. No one ever worked as hard as I worked to achieve that. That is,of course, if he is falling for me. Because I am. Like hard. And I can't help but wonder am I still the predator who initiated the chase or some how along the way I've become the prey?

"What are you thinking so hard?" He crooks his head to the side studying me.

"How much you hated me when you first met." I take another bit of my food and smile at him. He squirms in his seat,probably feeling uncomfortable.

"I didn't hate you. Hate a strong word. I disliked you" He says staring at his food and then he looks at me smiling with mischief. "I still do, sometimes."

"Now, is that a nice thing to say to your girlfriend?" I look at him pretending to be offended.

He leans in towards me, his green eyes getting darker by the second and I can see the fire burning in them causing my body temperature to raise in an instant.

"I never said I'm a nice boyfriend." He says in a low, husky voice and I can feel the goosebumps forming in my body. How on earth is it possible to get turned on by just his voice? What will happen if he starts touching me? Explode right there and then?

Um, yeah! Do you not remember the other night how extremely good he was with his hands?

Oh God I do. The greatest orgasm of my life. He didn't even had to try that much. It's like he knew all of my buttons, buttons that even I, didn't know that existed. Fuck!

"Is your new look making you cockier?" I push myself to say but I know I sound breathless. I'm having trouble breathing and the tension I'm feeling between my legs makes me super uncomfortable. He moves even closer to me his nose lightly touching mine and I have to keep reminding myself to breathe.

"Oh, I've always been cocky. But after last night…" he almost touches my lips with his for a second "I have every right to be even cockier, don't you think?" Here we go with that voice again. What is he doing to me? "Are done eating?" He asks again looking quickly at my plate without moving and I nod. "Good."

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