Chapter 51| Rachel

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"I should have an Oscar after that performance. I almost spilled real tears! It's a shame no one saw." I say while we are seated in Connor's living room. Connor hasn't paid any attention to me whatsoever. He is typing like crazy on his mini laptop and mumbles things to himself. "Is he alright?" I whisper to Noah who looks at him with a half smile on his face.

"I don't know what to tell you. I've been asking the same thing for years now." He teases.

"I can here you both you know. A little respect would be very much appreciated since I'm the one who did the job. But no! The hero gets mocked." Connor says dramatically, his sight glued to the screen in front of him.

"Ok, calm down Dark Knight. You hacked into a computer, you didn't save Gotham City from the Joker." 

"If we are doing this, I'd choose Deadpool. I'm more a Marvel kind of guy, you know that."

"Who's that?" I whisper to Noah when I hear Connor scoff.

"What do you two talk about when you're not having sex?" 

"How about more work, less talking?" Noah sends a death glare his way but he seems unaffected. He chuckles a little under his breath and starts typing again.

"Anyway, what was the bump you hit? You never told me." When I got that message earlier I almost lost my cool.

"Oh, um, he had a security camera installed and he had trapped his computer. That's what was beeping on his phone." Ok,whoa! I blink too many times trying to process what I'm hearing. "You okay?" Noah says after a minute stroking lightly my arm.

"Um, yeah. No, I'm fine. It just feels unreal. I mean when did my life become a hollywood scenario? Who's gonna play me in the movie?"

"A young Amanda Seyfried." Connor answers in seconds and we look at him. He seems really focused on the screen, it's surprising that he had been listening to us.

"Hey, douchebag. How about you do your job and let us talk?" Noah looks at him above his glasses trying to intimidate him, but he doesn't spare him a glance.

"I'm a problem-solver dude. She asked a question, I had the answer. Problem solved. And chill, I don't give a rat's ass about your lovey-dovey convos. Talk away." 

"Do you guys ever give each other a break?" This constant teasing and swearing must be exhausted.

"No." They answer at the same time.

"That's healthy." I mumble under my breath "Anyway, as I was saying it just feels unreal. What did you find?" 

"Well, we don't know exactly what we found cause it's coded. But whatever it is, it has something to do with that sketchy account I saw on your father's transactions."

"Ok. I guess that's something. When will we know more?" I sound impatient even though I'm doing my best to keep it down.

"When I'm done. I'm almost there, just let me work. Do not distract me." Connor says and he still doesn't look at me. How is he doing that it's beyond me. Listening everything we say and still work at the same time.

"How on earth is he doing that? He hasn't stopped working on that computer ever since I came here and yet he listens to everything we say!" I ask frustrated.

"Years of practice, I guess. He does the same thing when he's at the shop. That's why he is the number one gossip in the area."

"I'm not a gossip. I don't go around telling people what I've learned but I do like to listen."

"To private conversations!" Noah scoffs at him and for the first time he turns his gaze to us.

"How are they private? Most of the times I'm standing right there! I'm a fully functional human being, hence my hearing is working fine. So if they talk, I listen! It's not rocket science." Color rises on his face immediately and he looks kind of red right now,both in his face and scalp. 

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