Chapter 37| Noah

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Rachel: Hey boyfriend, wanna come by my place tonight?

I look at my phone and smile a bit with her text.

It's funny how just a moment can turn things around. I mean, I despised her for way too long without even bothering to get to know her. I always thought she was a shallow, spoiled brat. Never wondering about her personality or if she had one at all. And as it turned out she was the exact opposite of that. She is witty and smart and funny, with a fiery temper and a wild passion. Note to self: Maybe stop judging by the cover and take a moment to read the blurb first, before reaching to any kind of conclusion. Dumbass!

I shake my head smiling and turn my attention to my phone once again.

Me: I'm assuming for Netflix and chill? 🤔🤔

I take off my glasses and undo the first two buttons of my shirt giving her the time to write.

I rub my tired eyes and lean in my chair feeling exhausted. The last couple of days were demanding and drained most of my energy. I need a good night's sleep, like 12 hours straight, no interruptions.

Rachel: I was gonna say dinner but hey, now that you brought it up no way I'm gonna say no.😉

I smile delighted as I'm forming a mental picture of her actually saying that and I'm feeling a warmth spread through my body.

Me: You're gonna cook? Really?

She's such a sweet distraction. Here I was drowned in a shitload of paperwork, my face looking at a computer screen for hours and with just a simple text I forgot all about that. I'm feeling refreshed and it's like i can actually feel the blood run through my veins waking up every part of my body. 

Rachel: Um, I was thinking something fancier than grilled cheese and if I try to make it I may poison you so no, I'm not cooking…

Me: Why am I not surprised?😂 I can cook if you'd like. You can give your chef the day off.

Hey, it's not like I had a stroke, I'm obviously gonna be snarky when I get the chance. Don't judge me!

Rachel: Getting all snarky again nerd? I thought we're past that phase. But sure, you can cook for me. Will you wear an apron?😏😏

I run my hands through my hair smiling at my screen. Oh God, I like her so much. How did this happen to me?

Me:No.. why?🤔

Rachel: I think it would look great on you. If you lose all your others clothes even better…

I chuckle a little. I'm about to reply when i hear a light knock.

"Come in." I say smiling without raising my sight.

"Hey, Noah."

"Hi, Nancy." I say to her crossing my hands on my desk, leaving my phone aside for a moment. "What can I help you with?"
I take a good look at her while she comes closer. I get why Rachel was jealous the other day. Nancy is thin, and tall, with black sleek shiny hair and looks so sophisticated with her business outfits. She has a very light skin, sometimes she reminds me of Snow White when she's wearing that red lipstick of hers. That is, of course if Snow White had a crooked nose. But I don't find her attractive, not one bit.

"Um, Dan said to bring you this paperwork that need filing. There are mostly bills, some invoices, stuff like that." She smiles politely and leaves the papers on my desk. 

"Thank you Nancy. You didn't have to bring them here. I would have come if you called me." I mean she's here like 3 years now and I'm the rookie. It's only logical for me to run around doing biddings not the other way around.

"No problem, really. Hey, can i ask you something?" She says and seems uncomfortable from the way she is playing with her hands.

"Sure." I say as I grab the papers and start separating them.

"Did i cause any problems the other day with Rachel? She seemed mad." She says and I swallow hard. 

"Oh, she was mad alright. But I was the problem. You don't need to worry about anything. We have a slightly feud because of a car crash, that's all." I keep my face neutral because I don't want to give away anything. This is my work place and I don't want my personal life to interfere with that. 

"Oh, ok then. Phew! I feel better now. Thank you, Noah. Bye." She says relieved and leaves, closing the door behind her. Wow, Rachel really scared her. I laugh out loud at that finding it really amusing and grab my phone once again.

Me: Is this a fetish of yours?Where I'll be cuffed to a dungeon wearing only the apron to be a slave for ever? Am I in danger?

Rachel: Don't give me ideas. Because if I like your cooking I may have no other choice but to imprison you. Kill two birds with one stone. 

Me: You can try but don't be surprised if you end up the one with cuffs..

Rachel: Mm, yes.. I'll take my chances, either way I win😉 😉 is 8 o'clock ok with you?

I check my clock, it's five already but I think I can make it in time. I'm almost done here anyway.

Me: That's fine. Any special requests about the menu your Highness?

Rachel: Just you and I'll be fine…

Me: I'm talking about actual food you perv!

I scoff smiling mostly to myself. She has such a dirty mind. She throws you off with her angelic, innocent looks when in reality she is anything but that.

Rachel: Oh… then no. I'll have anything. Plus I'm mostly hungry for you so..

Me: Well, we will have to fix that...Wait, your brother is not going to there, right?

I mean I like Dan and all but I'll be extremely uncomfortable if he is there.

Rachel: No,no. He'll be at Tina's for the night. It's just the two of us.

Me: Ok,then. If you want me to be on time you'll have to stop texting me.. i have work to do and you keep distracting me!

Me: Nerdy as always I see.. fine.. don't be late! Can't wait 😚😚

Smiling I leave my phone down and concentrate on the papers before me. Luckily there are pretty easy to arrange and file so I'm almost done within half an hour. Just a few bank transactions from the big boss and I'll be on my way. 

The name of the last transaction gets my attention. There is that name again. The one I wanting to ask Dan about. And man! That's a lot of zeros. What could possibly cost that much and be marked as business expense? I mean, yeah, the man has ships and he's overseas closing a new deal but I don't think he could just buy a ship off of his personal account. Something's wrong.

Once again I note the name of the recipient,marking down to discuss this with Dan first thing tomorrow.

Closing the door of my office, I'm leaving all the mess behind me and clear my head at once.

There's is a certain blonde waiting for me and it's the only thing that matters.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Long time, no see... That effing Corona virus is messing with our lives, hard! Throwing us off our schedules!! Patience y'all! This too shall pass!!
Anyway hope you liked the little update of our lover boy Noah here!!
Don't forget to vote to make me smile!!⬇️⬇️⬇️

Chasing the nerd ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora