Chapter 21|Noah

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It's quite for a moment as we are caught in a staring contest, neither of us backing down.

She is breathing hard, her nostrils flaring and she looks so mad. She is tapping her foot impatiently and she has crossed her arms in front of her.

I'm baffled as to what brought that on.

"Care to explain yourself?" She asks with a flat toned voice and I raise my eyebrows.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." I reply and I see her eyes glare full of anger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was the one shamelessly flirting in my office." She spits out, irony marked in her voice. Flirt? What is she talking about? Out of nowhere I feel the laughter cripping up the throat and I try to contain myself in vain because after a second or two I break out in loud laughter.

Her lips form a small o but she still looks so,so enraged.

"Flirting?" I ask between laughs as I try to calm myself to no avail.

"Are you seriously laughing to my face? What am I some kind of joke to you?" She says her bottom lip quivering a bit and I stop immediately. Huh, she is serious.

"Whoa, I'm not laughing at you, honest." I say with my most genuine voice. I'm not,really. It was funny though that she believed that I was actually flirting with Nancy. That's all.

Her eyes softened and a small smile started to appear in her face.

"Then why on earth was Nancy all over you?" She says almost purring coming closer to me, placing her hands on my chest. Electricity is spread through my body. Oh, god I missed her touch. And to think it's only been a couple of hours.

I'm so screwed!

I pull her closer slowly caressing her back.

"Jealous?" The playfulness in my voice is unintended.

"Well, yeah! I can't have every horny girl around here trying to take what is mine."

My minds snaps at that moment and I drop my hands pushing her lightly. I don't like where this is going and starting to get worked up again.

She looks at me wonder written all over her face and a mean laugh escapes my lips as I put my hands in my pockets.

"I'm sorry, yours?" I say with a monotonous tone as my mood changed pretty quickly.

She studies my face for a moment looking lost.

"Ah, yes?" she says matter-of-factly.

"Did you just decide that? I'm yours? like some kind of property, yours?" i blurt out and I feel like i'm boiling inside. Recognition lighted up in her eyes as she looks at me.

"No, I.." she tried saying but I cut her off.

"That's why you came here? to mark your territory?" I continue raising my voice a bit.

"No, listen..' she says shaking her hands in front of her with pleading eyes but I don't give a shit right now.

"No, you listen to me! I don't care if your ego was bruised, so much you felt the need to make a scene in front of a colleague but let's get something clear. I'm not yours!!" I almost yell at her and her jaws drops to the floor. That doesn't stop me. I have to get everything out of my chest to calm down.

"You're so unbelievably arrogant thinking everything will just go your way, because why not, right? You are the only one that matters. News flash, queen bee! I matter too. I'm not one of your boy toys that worship you and i'm not going to be one. Ever." and I'm screaming. I'm screaming my lungs out. It's unbelievably but whatever I'm feeling around her touches my extremes. I'm either bat shit mad at her or drown to her like a moth to a flame. There is no in between.

"Will you shut up and listen to me for once? God! What is it about you? Why do you always think of the worst possible scenario when it comes to me?" she screams back. Oh, the nerve on this woman. I'm about to talk again but she points her perfect manicured finger at me.

"No, I said shut up. It's my turn to talk now. Did it ever cross your genius mind that I like you so fucking much that I actually feel insecure? That for the first time in my life I want someone that badly and that someone always finds excuses to not be with me? Tell me, how would feel? Because I felt threatened seeing her all over you. I can never tell what you're feeling and I'm always on edge. Trying to fix that distorted image you have of me, but when say what you think of me so bluntly I'm just counting clockwise for my time to be up!" she says in one breath, her gray eyes now looking a bit red. i'm about to answer to her when my door swings open and I turn to see Dan looking surprised.

"What the hell is going on here? I could hear your voices through the walls!" he says calmly dropping his hands looking at us wondering. Shit! I messed up. This is no place for fighting. At least Dan is not looking angry.

"Everything ok?" Dan asks a little worried.



We answer at the same time. I look at her shocked. Why on earth would she say no? I don't want Dan to know anything yet. I'm trying to send her a message mentally through my eyes but she doesn't spare me a glance. Her chin is up and she looks emotionless. Dan takes a good look at his sister and sighs.

"Is this about the car again?" he says and I look at him with a blank expression. Either he is dumb or he is playing it.

"Rachel, stop pestering the poor guy. I think you're a little obsessed. Just let it go." he says again with a playful smile.

She raises her sight to look at him and I can't avert my eyes from her. She looks so cold and distant right now. And she hasn't looked at me once.

"You're right, I'll let it go." she says flatly and walks right out of my office without looking back, completely ignoring me. Ouch! That hurt.

"Don't worry I'll talk to her. But just for the record try to keep your heated moments out of here. I'm not mad or anything but I had to put it out there, you know, for future reference. I know she can be too much but she means well." he says and smiles politely at me before walking away leaving alone with a storm of thoughts. Damn, he was to ambiguous. I couldn't tell if he knows what's up. Fuck!

I can't help thinking that I messed up. I messed up bad and I can't stop wondering. Did I dodged a bullet or just lost something that could turned great?

Double fuck!

A/N: So there you have it folks! I know it's a bit small but I started writting this chapter in the morning, inpiression flowing over me, but i got caught up with some other stuff and when i finally got down to finish it, words eluded me. I had a vague plan as of what I should write so I tried to work through that. I'm sorry if i disappointed you. Maybe I'll do some serious editing when I would feel worthy again. Anyways, what do think about Noah? He is caught between a rock and a hard place isn't he? Well, he'd better set his mind and apologise. right?? Tell me what you think in the comments below. Your thoughts mean the world to me, not to mention that might change the course of this story!!

And as always if you liked the chapter don't forget to vote!

Until next time..

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