Chapter 6|Rachel

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"Hey baby!" I heard someone yell behind me, as I was walking across campus to get to class with Tina, who looked at me all confused. I turned to look. Ugh, Peter.

"Who are you talking to?" Tina asked him with hostility and looked at him up and down, like he was a bug that came into her way before she crashed it.

"Um, Rachel." He said deadpan.

"Oh, honey. Get over it." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled a little under my breath, raising my eyes to look at Peter.

"Peter, we talked about this. We had fun one or two times, but I'm not your baby. We're not together." I said firmly to him one more time. Next time I want something meaningless, I'll make sure he is not as clingy as this one and understands the rules correctly.

Anger flashed in his eyes and he rolled up his hands into fists.

"Oh, really? I was good enough to get off and now what? I'm nothing? Just a hook-up whenever you feel like it?"

"Did you get your period your something?" Tina asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes again, mocking him.

"Shut up bitch." He said without even looking at her and I pressed my lips together. Now I was getting pissed.

"First of all I didn't trick you to do what you did. You wanted to, I wanted to and in the spur of moment we did it. But I was clear with you. No strings attached. Apparently you didn't caught that, so let me be crystal clear. I'm not your baby, I'm not your anything for that matter, not even your occasional hook-up, so stay the fuck away from me."

His blue eyes were getting darker with anger as I spoke to him, but I couldn't care less. I raised my chin arrogantly, never breaking contact with him.

"Wow, you really are a bitch."

"That's the word on the street, dear. What did you expect? That I was a tortured soul waiting to be saved? Ple-a-se!" I said waving my arm in disgust as he shrugged a little. Well, life is a bitch. Sorry!

I'm not usually that mean. I'm very sweet to people, but he was rude. And if I was all sweet and mellow to him again,he wouldn't understand, just like last time.

"You know what? Fuck off." He said, turned his back at us and left like his pants were on fire.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. You suck at picking guys." She shook her head with disapproval.

"It didn't think it through. He had the body and those beautiful eyes and I was horny. We all make mistakes, move on." Hooking my arm with hers, I started walking again looking all around campus intensely. I was scanning the place to see if I could spot that pair of ugly glasses of his.

"What's you doin'?" Tina pulled my arm a bit and looked at me.

"Nothing. What?"

"I see you, you know. And I know what you're doing." She smirked.

I cursed under my breath for my lack of discretion. Real subtle, Rachel. Well done. Maybe next time put up a poster saying you are looking for him. I scolded myself and bowed my head a little to hide a blush I felt forming in my face. What's up with that lately? I never blush!

Tina took my silence as a confirmation of what she just said and continued talking.

"What makes you think he is even here, on campus? He might go to same lame community college or maybe he's not a college kid at all."

"He seemed like a college student. To be frank, I don't know why I'm looking. You're right he may not be here but.." I tucked my hair behind my ear and signed "Ah, I guess I was hoping he'd be here."

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