Chapter Five.

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Monday morning came around in the blink of an eye. Charlotte was in early after dropping Rosie off at breakfast club, so that should could finish off bits she didnt get done on Friday after Ben turned up.

"Morning!" She looked up to see Ben stood in the door way.

"Hey! You're early!" She smiled at him as he walked in and sat in front of her.

"Wanted to make a good impression, first day and all that." He laughed. "Thought we could have a proper catch up before everyone got here." He smiled at her. "You good? Not seen you for a long time, well... I saw you Friday but you know what I mean." He smiled.

Her smile faltered slightly as she sighed to herself "Been about a year perhaps." Giving him a tight-lipped smile. "To answer your question, yes. I'm good. Like I said the other day, happy to be home. How about you? When did you move back? Jennifer ok?"

Leaning back in his seat, he folded his arms over his chest. "Eighteen months Id say is more accurate." He smirked at her rolling her eyes. "Im good" He nodded. "And I wouldn't know. Last time I saw her was about six weeks ago and she was bouncing on some guys dick, on the sofa I had just brought for her because she so desperately needed it." He let out a humourless laugh.

"Ben..." Her shoulders dropped "Im sorry."

"Why? Not like you told her to do it. My own fault really, gave her enough chances" He shrugged.

"Chances?" She sked confused.

"Let's just say, it wasn't her first time at the rodeo." He sighed "Guess they say variety is the spice of life for a reason eh!" He laughed.

"Oh my god!" She laughed. "You're ok though, yeah?" She sat forward leaning on her elbows on the desk.

"Yeah! I'm good! I promise! Be even better once the divorce is done with. Enough about me though. You moved home; I take it things didnt change?" He looked at her narrowing his eyes slightly.

"At the risk of getting an I told you so, I never should have left." Giving him a sad smile. "Should have walked out the door with you when you asked me too." Her eyes starting to fill with tears.

"Hey! Hey, come on. Lottie, don't cry" Leaning further forward and taking hold of her hands. "Don't get upset. Please. Just forget I asked, dont like seeing you upset." He began rubbing little circles on her hands with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry." She whispered "I never did thank you for what you did." Sniffing back a sob.

"No thanks needed Lott. Really, none at all." Letting one of her hands go, he placed a finger under her chin and brought her face back up to look at him. "Id do it again, yeah. You don't ever need to thank me, honestly." He smiled at her. Nodding at him and giving him a smile. "Aaah, there it is!" He gave her a wink. "Any way, I best get my ass moving. Plan of giving Ste a scare!" He laughed as he stood up.

"I'll be sure to listen out for him crying." She chuckled. "He usually gets here just after eight thirty, so you've got time to go get a coffee" She smiled sweetly.

"If thats not a hint, I dont know what is! Still milk, one sugar?" He asked as he headed to the door.

"Yes please!" She called out to him.

Five minutes later he was putting a coffee on her desk "Thank you!" She with a smile.

"No worries beautiful. See ya later." Walking out of the office sipping on his own cup. A light blush forming on her cheeks as she watches him walk out and hears her phone beeping.

El; Free at lunch time? Xxx

Tash; I can be, everything ok? xxx

Charl; Depends, what do you want? Xxx

El; I think I might have found a house for Charl and Rosie. Want to show you and Tash, you know you dont need an excuse to go see Steve! 😉 xxx

Charl; Really?! Ill have lunch at 1pm xxx

Tash; Thats great! 20 years and I still enjoy seeing him*gasp* the shock! Lol xxx

Tash; Meet you there at 1 xxx

"What the fuck!" Steves voice boomed "When did you get back? Sneaky fucker!" He shouted before he started laughing.

Standing from her desk she went to look next door and saw them hugging. Smiling as she went back to her office and closed the door behind her.

"You come for a visit?" Steve asked.

"Nah mate. Come to help your lazy old arse! Second foreman pleased to meet you!" He laughed as he slapped his best friend on the back before they both sat at their desks.

"Less of the old yeah!" Shaking his head. "You're looking good, all things considering! You seen Charl yet? Shell be made up that you're back." He says as he turns on his pc, ready to start the day.

"Saw her Friday when I popped in to see dad but he was out. Had a quick catch up just, before you got here." He smiled. "What shit needs sorting, so I can crack on?" Steve passed him a file, he started to flick through it.

"Thats what needs to be out of here today and tomorrow, if you want to start on those. Id take you meet your team but they're all the same since before you pissed off up to Scotland." Steve said, looking at him expectantly.

"Just ask!" Ben says without even looking up from the file.

"Please for the love of god, tell me you are leaving her for good this time!"

"Started divorce proceedings bout two weeks, shouldnt take too long; if she co-operates." Ben says.

"Thank fuck! Mate, I love you but Jesus! You're better off away from her! Shes a soul sucking twat! Always was!"

"Dont sugar coat it eh Ste!" Shaking his head as he looks up from the paper work in front of him.

"Sorry buddy. Hows she going to play it then?"

"Fucking messy I bet!" Rolling his eyes. "Left with my truck, clothes and Xbox! Everything else is still up there. Though, my solicitor told me she's changed address, won't tell me where though. Dads bailed me out and sorted me a flat. Said hell help till I get myself properly sorted."

"Well, if you need anything just ask, yeah."

As Ben goes to thank him and knock on the door distracts them. He turns around to see Courtney stood there with a bright smile on her face.

"Morning Courtney" He smiled.

"Can I get you a drink at all Mr Smith?" Showing off all her pearly white teeth as she smiled

"Please! Call me Ben! I'm good thanks, I got one about ten minutes ago. Thanks though." He nodded as he turned back to his desk.

"Oh, ok." Letting out a quiet disappointed sigh. "Steven." She nodded and walked away.

"Still got it I see." Steve looked at him with a raised brow.

"Don't get jealous! Just because she didn't ask you if you wanted one!" He smirked.

"HA! Hilarious!" He laughed. "I'm so fucking glad you're back!"

"Alert the media! Hes learnt sarcasm! And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!" Ben says.

"Anyone ever told you that you look like a pre-pubescent teen when you shave?" Steve snarks causing them to both let out a loud belly laugh; Charlotte hearing them from her office and smiling.

"God Ive missed you!" Ben laughed.

"Im a fucking delight mate!" Ste laughed back at him.

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