Chapter Eight.

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Everyone had gone home; Rosie was bathed and fast asleep. Charlotte was curled up on the sofa while Ben lounged in the chair. They sat in a comfortable silence while watching reruns of friends.

"We were on a break!"

Suddenly a high-pitched scream followed by "Mummy!" came from upstairs!

"Rosie!" She untangled herself and jumped off the sofa to get upstairs to her daughter, Ben already up and ahead of her and taking the stairs two at a time.

He ran in her room, throwing on the light as quick as he could before running to the little girls bed. She jumped in to his awaiting arms sobbing, trying hard to catch her breath. "Ive got ya sweetheart." He cooed, trying to calm and sooth her.

"Rosie? Baby? Whats wrong?!" Charlotte rushed as she ran in the room. Noticing the window open, she closed it quickly before joining Ben who had sat on the bed while holding her daughter.

"Mummy! Its in my room! A monster! Its in my room!" She cried and crawled over to her mums lap. "Make it go away." She begged hiding her face in Charlottes shoulder.

"Where did it go to hide sweetheart. I'll send it away." Ben said as he rubbed her back, in hopes of helping her feel safe and settle down. She responded by pointing in the corner where her dresser was.

Ben walked over to the dresser, pulled it away from the wall slightly and looked behind it.

"Oh shit!" He shouted stumbling backwards and tripping over his feet. "Sorry!" He apologised for having said the bad word. "Ermm... Why dont you go get in to your bed, yeah? While I catch this little monster."

Charlotte looked at him confused but didnt question him. She stood up and took Rosie to her bedroom. After listening to him swearing, clattering and banging in the other room for about half an hour, Charlotte heard a quiet knock on her door.

"You can come in." She whispered.

"Its ok for her to go back to bed now. Want me to carry her?" He whispered back noticing she was fast asleep.

Charlotte rose from the bed and went out in to the hall way, closing the door behind her and heading down the stairs.

"She can just stay in with me tonight. What were you doing in there?" She asked arching her brow.

"Catching the monster!" He smirked. Causing her to sigh and roll her eyes at him.

"Ben..." She sighed as they made their way down stairs.

"Im serious! It must have gotten in through the window!" He responded, causing her to let out a huff.

"There was a baby bat behind the dresser! Ok!" He said with a hint of annoyance.

She looked him in the eye and burst out laughing.

"Seriously? A baby one? And it actually scared you!" She asked, trying to stop laughing, he nodded while running a hand over his beard.

"No, it didnt! It just took me by surprise!" He protested.

"Whatever makes you feel more like a man." She bit her lip in an attempt to not laugh.

"I managed to catch it in with my shirt, which is now covered in bat shit might I add!" He said pissed at the fact it was probably ruined but still fighting a smile.

"Thanks again, for everything today!" She said giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"No worries. Always happy to help remember. Maybe I should think about heading home..." He said as he walked towards the door Charlotte following behind him. "It is getting late...Don't want to over stay my welcome..." He chuckled. As he opened the front door a gust of wind blew through the house, blowing some of her hair loose. Reaching up to tuck it back behind her ear, his hand lingering on her face for a few seconds longer than needed, bringing a light blush to her cheeks.

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