Chapter Sixty.

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Unlocking and walking in the front door, Ben took a quick look around. Noticing Charlottes bag and coat on the banister at the bottom of the stairs. Sighing with relief he put his keys, phone and wallet in the bowl on the table in the hallway before heading upstairs to look for her.

Hearing the shower on, he carefully pushed the door open, so not to startle her. Noticing her clothes in a heap near the toilet and her toothbrush in the sink, he looked at the shower and found her stood facing away from him, with her face in her hands. Shoulders shaking, indicating she was crying.

 Shoulders shaking, indicating she was crying

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"Lottie..." He quickly ran to the cubical, opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. "What's wrong? Courtney said you didn't feel well."

Turning in to him and clinging to him, she sobbed in to his chest as he stroked her hair and rubbed her back. "I threw up, in my bin. I didn't want to worry you. Thought it might have been because I'd gotten so worked up..."

"Lottie," He sighed. "Baby you should have come to find me. Or text." He kissed her forehead.

"I was sick again, as I walked in the door. Managed to catch it all..." She looked up at him, swallowing before adding "in your gym bag. I'm so sorry, I wasn't going to make it up here and as soon as I was in here I was sick again, it's all over my clothes... I'll wash your gym bag, as soon as..."

"Shhh... It's ok. Don't worry about my bag. Let's get you cleaned up and comfy, yeah? Do you think you can eat? Soup maybe? Be light on your stomach."

"I don't feel up to eating." She sobbed.

"We'll give it a try, ok. I'm just going to go grab towels." He told her as he went to open the door, only she clung to his arm. "Ok," He reached to turn the water off. "Come on." He said as he scooped her up in his arms. Heading out the bathroom, grabbing her fluffy dressing gown from the back of their door as he passed. Sitting her down on the edge of the bed, he wrapped her dressing gown around her. "I'm just going to take these off..." He pointed to his clothes. "And grab a towel, I'm literally just the other side of the landing, ok." He smiled and stroked her hair before kissing her forehead and walked to the dresser, grabbing dry boxers and a T-shirt before he walked out the door.

Popping his hear back in the bedroom, "I'm just going to take all the washing downstairs, ok baby?" She nodded and he made his way down. Grabbing his phone as he passed it.

"Hey," he said in to his phone as he walked in to the kitchen and to the washing machine.

"She ok?" Steve asked.

"She was in the shower crying when I got here. Said she threw up in her office bin and she's been bad twice since she got home." He threw their things in the machine and added a laundry tab before turning it on.

"Jesus. Virus? A bug? Anxiety perhaps? Surely seeing that dick hasn't made her this bad?" He fired off questions quicker than Ben could answer.

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