Chapter Twelve.

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All of the guests had arrived, the garden was full of over excited princesses and pirates. Rosie had proudly showed her friends her rabbits and was now playing on the bouncy castle.

"Where are they?" Sally huffed wondering where Steve, Tom and Max were.

"Tash said they were on their way ten minutes ago, so should be here in about five." Charlotte told her.

"Holy shit!" Ellie whispered while elbowing Billie and Sally for their attention.

Billie and Sallys jaws all but hit the floor, while Ellie stood with a smirk on her face. Wondering what the fuss was, Charlotte turned and was shocked speechless.

"If Prince Eric was real and a bad boy, you'd be looking right at him eh Ariel." Ellie whispered in her sisters ear. "Want a napkin to wipe up that drool?" She laughed.

"Even with a busted-up face hes bloody gorgeous!" Billie fanned her face making Sally chuckle.

As if waking from a dream, Charlotte turned around and saw her sister and friends staring at her.

"He looks ok." She said as her cheeks turned as red as her wig. Causing them to burst out laughing.

"Ladies." He greeted them. "Everything going ok?" He asked Charlotte and she nodded with a smile.

"Aye! Aye Captain!" Ellie said saluting him making him laugh.

"We're running a tight ship for ya Captain!" Billie added.

"The fair maiden here, is threatening to abandon ship, might we suggest you lock her in the brig, captain sir!" Sally informed him, causing all three of them to start laughing, while he cleared his throat and made excuses about needing a drink.

"Maybe your private quarters might be safer Captain?" Ellie shouted after him.

That comment earned her an elbow in the ribs. "Seriously! You guys fucking suck!" Charl hissed under her breath!

Just then Tasha came running through the house.

"Get the cameras ready!" She said as she rushed past them and headed to the middle of the garden.

Ben walked out with two bottles of water and stood next to Charlotte and handed her one as she got her phone ready for the guys big entrance.

"You ok?" He whispered so not to draw the attention of the girls to them.

"Yeah, Im really good." She smiled bashfully. "Are you?"

"Im great! You look really beau..."

"Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. What kind of a party would this be without some dancing entertainers!" Tasha shouted as she waved a hand towards the back door, interrupting their conversation. 

Just then one after the other, Snow white, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty walked out in to the garden. Everyone in attendance started laughing and clapping in unison! Parents that had stayed were wolf whistling. Ellie and Sally were filming the whole thing, while Billie and Tasha encouraged the princesses to dance for all the other princesses and pirates. Ben was doubled over laughing with tears in his eyes.

"Ive never felt so awkward in all my life!" Tom muttered and he pulled the front of the dress up.

"Its your bloody fault were in this situation!" Steve cussed under his breath.

"This is better than I could have ever imagined! Look at Stes face!" Ben cried.

After they had danced around with all the kids, they headed over to where the girls were sitting. Ben came out of the house carrying three bottles of beer and handed them one each.

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