Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Three

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The car door opened and I fell out, I didn't wear a seat belt when I slept in a car it was uncomfortable the man looked at me.

"I'm sorry" he said not touching me to help me up.

"It's cool" I shrugged then picked up my sunglasses that fell on the floor.

I had a black tank top and strippy black and white skinny jeans on so I quickly brushed off the stones and looked at the building; it was big really big and it looked really posh. He smiled at me and looked at it to; my black converses sank in to the stone path that went around the building making it look even more posh.

"So what happens now" I asked putting my black shades on my head.

He went around and got my bag out and gave me some sheets of paper, got in the car and left me standing there. I watched him drive away I was shocked.

"Yeah thanks a fucking bunch dude you're not getting a tip" I shouted, I then looked at the sheets it was a map and instructions.

The map showed where my classes were and where my room is. My room was on the third floor great; I had to carry all this up there but at least I'll get a look around whilst I go. I dragged my bags across the stones and entered the front double doors and I was right it was big and posh I had to carry my stuff up stairs as there was no lifts, I didn't really have anything breakable in there anyway.

The hallways were long and wide there was students hanging around staring at me. Some guys that winked at me, some people called me emo, there was barely any girls here when there was they would shout something stupid like emo, freak or go kill yourself you faggot, I wasn't in the mood. I just carried my duffle bags up the stairs. I wasn't going to start a fight not now.

When I got to room 30 I looked around a little and opened a door within the room. I found 2 sets of bunk beds and one had a boy at the top the room was big I dropped my bags on the floor and coughed. He looked at me and quickly sat up confused and he was thinking very hard and then suddenly his face grinned.

"Hey" he twisted round a bit more and flicked his brown hair out of his eyes. "I'm Drake and you must be the new girl. I wasn't expecting" he looked me up and down blue eyes "you so early sorry" he jumped down and smiled.

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