Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty Eleven

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Queensland, Australia my heart, hopes, prays, goes out to you ♥ x

We sneaked past the guards the excitement past through me. "That was so much fun. What now" I jumped up once

"Alright now let’s not be sarcastic" Drake said walking backward, I shook my head and pushed him making him stumble, Izzie laughed skipping past him.

"Come on I know just the place" Izzie said flicking her hair.

We ended up at a club I know what you're thinking girls everywhere in short skirts/dress looking like belts and rubbing up on boys legs etc.. But no actually this club was really cool. It was I guess a stereotype club all the people here was "emo/punk/gothic/rockers" so you can image how everyone was dressed and the music really I'm so glad Izzie made us get dressed.

"This place is amazing" I said looking around amazed  

Drake smiled at me and past me a drink. I tried not to laugh "you go me a WKD" he shrugged drinking his beer I gave it back to him and went to the bar "4 vodka shots please" the extra one was for me.

The bar man came back with four shots and a cocktail I looked at it "I didn't order this" it was colourful, had a certain vibe to it, it looked crazy? I liked it.

"From the guy down there" the barman pointed at the end of the bar with his thumb I looked to my right to see a guy with a baseball cap and a hoodie on so I couldn't see him very well I saw a little bit a silver on his face I guessed it was a lip ring I saw his mouth smirk I cringed a downed all of the shots.

"Tell him I said thanks" I looked at the guy again before walking away back to Drake. I took a sip of the cocktail it was an amazing. Am I crazy for drinking a drink from a stranger? maybe. 

After a few drinks cocktails later I felt dizzy and soon to be drunk if I didn't stop, but the cocktail was so good I turned to go back to the bar.

An arm grabbed my elbow "listen" I turned slowly grabbing it

"it's me" I looked up to see Drake "listen we got to go you’re getting well" he smiled trying his best not to offend me "and look at Izzie I mean come on" we both looked at Izzie and she was stumbling everywhere, oh no, I nodded.

"Wait I got to do something first" I pointed to the bar Drake stomped his foot annoyed "go get Izzie and I'll meet you outside" I walked away

I skipped over to the bar "excuse me" I tapped the guys back who made that amazing cocktail he swung round in his chair my eyes widen "bloody hell"


i would of uploaded sooner but i've had so much college work so annoying  

so i am really sorry if this chapter isn't all that "/  

luff yew Mystery x

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