Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Four

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He wore a white and black chequered top with simple black skinny jeans with a belt. He went to the wardrobe and pulled out some sheets, a quilt and two pillows. I watched him like most boys he wore his jeans slightly down so you could see their designer underwear yet his had a pattern of skeletons all over.

"I was going to put the sheets on for you but I was on my game boy" he looked down ashamed of himself I smiled.

"Don't worry about it I'll do it, I'm Freya by the way" I smiled not knowing where to go, so I just started putting the black sheets on the pillows.

"I'll help I don't mind, I'll do the bed sheet" he walked over to the bed and started making it. "So how do you like the look of the school so far?" he tucked the top two corners in whilst I moved onto the single quilt cover. I looked at it and sighed.

"It looks good the students err... took a certain shine to me" I was half way done while Drake sat on the bed he looked at me.

"What do you mean someone attack you already" he got up and helped me button up the end of the quilt.

"No they just don't like the way I dress I guess" he sat on the opposite bed and looked at me and then smiled at me.

"Don't worry about it, they don't like the way Izzie dresses either or me well the guys anyway" he said standing back up then helped me lay the bed. I nodded not knowing who Izzie was but it didn't matter I didn't really care what people thought about me.

My bed was laid and my stuff was put in my own special little wardrobe it was like I was moving out and had roomies well I only knew one of them. Drake was looking at the picture of me and Matt. That was on the desk next to my bed yeah this room was big but welcoming in a way it had posters a TV, an Xbox, a stereo, laptops and our own phone. It was like a teenagers dream room but in the middle of nowhere.

"That's my friend matt" I walked over "we've known each other for donkeys long, but he's the reason I'm in here" I shook my head "idiot" I muttered to myself.

I looked at the picture and I felt a bit sick home sick or did I feel guilty for leaving him with a message like that, was I harsh. We were side by side in the picture we barely had picture together we was that type of friends I smiled. He nodded and put the frame back.

"So don't take this personally or anything but like are girls and boys aloud to stay in the same room?" I fiddle with my hands.

He laughed "there's not a lot of girls, so basically they decided to shove the boys and girls together because of the lack of girls but now it seems we're starting to fill up with girls" he smiled.

"So was it all a boy's school at first" I sat on my bed which was surprising very comfortable. He sat opposite me on the other bed

"Yup. All boys, they did have an all-girls one, but it got to well, bitchy you'll find out why when you meet Izzie so they decided to chuck them in with us. Well only the ones that are really bad and then they shut down the school and made it a normal boarding school for the nerdy hot people" he winked when he got to the hot nerdy people part. I thought about matt again and smiled he was a nerd that kicked arse kind of, his parents put so much pressure on him.

"OH MY GOD you would never guess what just happened to me" a girl opened the door and jumped on the spot.

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