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Harry was sat in his room, wondering what was going on downstairs. It had been an hour since he had left, and Harry was becoming anxious that no one had yet come to find him.

Right as Harry finished his thoughts, a bang came from his door.

Focusing on his magic, Harry looked through his barriers at the people outside.

Sirius was the one closest to his door, he had obviously stormed up to talk to Harry about whatever Hermione had said to him.

Behind Sirius stood Remus and Snape, both looking extremely frustrated at his door. It appeared that they were trying to figure out how to get in.

Right as Sirius went to bang on the door again, Harry lowered his wards and willed the door open. Sirius came tumbling in first followed calmly by Remus and Snape.

Remus cleared his throat and turned his eyes to Harry, even as he effortlessly pulled Sirius from where he had fallen.

"Harry, Severus and myself just came to check that Sirius wouldn't overwhelm you, we heard some pretty unbelievable things from Hermione and wanted to validate what she told us from you."

Harry nodded and looked to Snape in question.

"Potter, are you or are you not currently dating a man 25 years your senior?"

"I am sir"

Snape took a moment to process Harry's confession and openness.

"And are we correct in believing that you have gone past the point of just casual with this someone? If so, to what length?"

Harry paused and thought over how he should answer such a personal question.

"You are correct again sir. And everything."

"Everything? What do you mean by EVERTHING?!" Burst Sirius suddenly, causing Harry to start as he had honestly forgotten that the man was there.

"I mean exactly that Siri, we've gone all the way..."


"Calm down Sirius!" Remus growled as he tried to contain Sirius' parental meltdown.

"Remus, this man is taking advantage of our Harry!" Cried Sirius.

"What?! He's not taking advantage of me!" Shouted Harry as he erupted from his window seat in rage.

"You're young! He probably tricked you into agreeing with him or something!" Retorted Sirius in furious desperation.

"He didn't trick me into anything!"

"Potter, are you sure he didn'-"

Harry cut Snape off suddenly.

"Of course I'm sure! I willingly gave myself to him! I willingly laid before him and submitted to his desires, I chose to bare myself to him whole, faults and all, I chose when we went all the way and I chose how and where we did 'it', so don't you dare go around saying that the kind man I love is manipulating me!"

Sirius stared in stunned silence at his godson as he told them exactly what he thought of their assumptions.

"I don't care about his age, I care about how he treats me, and he treats he as if I'm his world- with love, adoration and respect!"

Harry turned his back on them in clear dismissal. Sirius went to say something before thinking better of it, and turning around in a huff before stalking out of the room, Remus close on his heel.

Harry waited as the door closed, but gasped as a hand settled on his shoulder.

Turning to look at the owner, Harry sucked in a deep breath before speaking;

"What do you want Snape?"

Severus tugged on his shoulder to turn him around, before pulling him to his chest in a tight hug.
Harry clung to the material of his Professor's robes and began to shake as he held in his sobs.

Severus carded his fingers through Harry's hair as Harry leaned more into his chest.

"I can't, I just- I miss-"

"Shh Harry, I know, let it all out, it's just us, there're silencing wards in place, just let it all out"

"I miss him so much!" Harry sobbed, as Severus held him tighter, moving Harry so that they could sit on the edge of his bed.

"I may not know who he is", at this Snape paused and frowned at a sheepish Harry, "but the way that you spoke about him makes me believe that he treats you well, so I understand you missing him"

Harry began to calm down and relax into the older wizard's hold.

"It j-just sucks i-is all..."

"I know, just calm down and relax, I'll stay if you want..."

"C-can you?"

"Of course, I could never leave you like this."

"Thank you...
I think I'm going to go... I told Hermione i'd say bye if I decided to leave but other than that... I just want to be with him I don't even care if I have to go off the radar until September!"

"Okay, whatever you want. I won't stop you, just don't forget to stay in touch once you go, which I take it will be soon, now that you've decided."

"Yeah. Can we just go to sleep, all this conflict has tired me out..."

"Of course" Severus said as he moved to make Harry and himself more comfortable on the bed. Flicking his wand, Severus changed them both into their pyjamas before putting his wand aside and settling down, with Harry curled under his arm.

Severus smiled down at him as he curled up and pulled the comforter closer to both of their chests.

Just as Severus closed his eyes to sleep, he heard a mumbled sentence from Harry who then repeated it a little louder.

Harry turned into Severus as he neared the edge of consciousness and spoke quietly and sleepily one last time;

"G'Night, Dad..."

Severus smiled into his hair, " Sleep well. Son."

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