Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)

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Harry huffed as he was once again forced to adorn the stifling and stiff lordship robes. Similar in style to what he had worn to the dinner at Malfoy Manor, but in an emerald green shade.

He looked in the mirror and fiddled with his tie, trying to get it central.

He huffed once more, as the tie was slightly further to the left than intended.

"Wow, what brought about that sound?"

Harry looked in the mirror and saw his husband leaning in the doorway, amusement clear on his face.

"It's this stupid tie! Fen~ Why won't it work~?" He whined as he responded, not particularly caring how childish he sounded as he grew increasingly frustrated with the fiddly material.

"Come here, love."

Fenrir spoke as he moved closer and Harry turned to face him, allowing his own hands to drop away from the material as Fenrir's skilful hands took over and he did it for him.

He flattened the collar of his shirt and patted Harry's lapels down.

"There. License to kill."

Harry grinned at his stupid James Bond reference, he really wondered why he had even let the man watch them, and turned to look in the mirror.

He grinned when he saw that it was finally central and quickly turned to peck Fenrir on the lips, thankful for the help.

"Thank you. You know I'm a lost cause with these things." He mumbled against Fen's lips and the taller male smiled as he wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

He gave his lips another peck and pressed his lips to his mate's forehead, grinning into the skin.

"Maybe it's a sign that you just shouldn't wear clothes."

Harry allowed a startled laugh and playfully smacked his hand on the man's chest.

"You wouldn't be able to stand others seeing me, and don't pretend that you could."

Fenrir hummed in agreement and buried his face into his hair.

"Hmm, you're right. I'd have to destroy them for laying eyes on what's mine."

Harry laughed at his possessiveness and pulled his lips to his own, in one final chaste kiss, before separating from the larger male and moving away.

He grabbed his wand from the bedside table and put it into his wand holster, checking to make sure that he had everything that he needed.

"I can't believe that they decided to hold one of these just before the end of the summer holidays! Literally, in the last two weeks!"

"Yeah, well, the ministry's reasoning has never been particularly strong, has it?" Fenrir answered as he opened their bedroom door and waited for Harry to pass.

Harry hummed and did one final check to make sure that he had everything that he would need.

"Wish me luck?"

He looked at Fenrir and said man smiled softly at him, pulling him into a reassuring hug.

"You won't need it."


A burst of lime green flames announced his arrival to the ministry atrium.

Harry stood from where he had fallen on his backside and smiled at the people who were sending him amused looks.

He was happy that he'd at least managed to improve his floo travelling by a little bit.

He hadn't gone flying out of it and he had landed in the correct place. An all around success if you asked him.

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