Those Damn Blue Eye

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I had finished my work along time ago but I was not going down stairs. I was determined to stay away from that girl. I didn't like what Eric said. It was the same thing that Clutch had said. That this girl would be good for me. They obviously were oblivious to the situation she was in right now. The Night Riders were threatening her life and that was because they thought I cared for her. Having her around already made them see me as weak. There was no way in hell I'm going to actually try to keep her around.
I spent most of the day trying to think of ways to keep her safe but away from me. I wasn't myself around her. I would have never shot one of my own guys for some girl. I thought of sending her to live with one of the guys but for some reason kept finding something wrong with each of them. I thought about just leaving but then that pissed me off. Some girl was not running me out of my own house. I could try to make her go back to wherever the hell she came from but I knew she wouldn't listen. I was just going to have to stay away from her. My aggravation grew when I smelt the food from down stairs and realized how hungry I was.
I walked down stairs to the kitchen to see Jaden waiting at the table and the baby sleeping on her shoulder. She saw me and smiled slightly before turning to get me a plate.

"I got it." I said taking it from her.


"How were they?" I hadn't heard them all day but I saw there was a mess in the kitchen and food all over Jaden's shirt.

"Perfect." I went to sit at my chair that happened to be right beside Jaden. He looked up at me with wide eyes. I ignored it and started eating. Damn this girl could cook.

"My mommy says you are supposed to wait till everyone is seated." The kid said seeing me. I looked down at him. I sighed dropping my fork and leaned back.

"What else does your mommy say?" I asked.

"She says you are scary and can't control your temper." That sounded like Hannah. I grunted in response. Aubrey came over and sat down with the baby in her arms. I looked down at the kid.

"Can I eat now?"

"If you say grace." I took a deep breath aggravated and looked at Aubrey. She was smiling. "We have to say it at my house!" He insisted.

"Go ahead then, Jaden." Aubrey encouraged. He closed his eyes saying some rhyme. I watched Aubrey as she pretended to close her eyes but was smiling like an idiot watching him. I rolled my eyes. When he was done he started eating. I went back to my food, finally.

"Why do you carry a gun?" Jaden blurted out.

"Why don't you?" I countered.

"I heard mommy and daddy say you shot someone." I glared at him.

"Scared like your mommy?" I said leaning closer.

"N-No." He sat up straighter. "I'm not scared of you." I smiled slightly at that. He was braver then I had given him credit for. Aubrey smiled. Jaden kept talking to me and eventually started on why batman was awesome. I wasn't really listening but every now and then I would disagree with him just for fun. Aubrey was humming to the baby. The more I watched her, the more aggravated I got. I didn't understand her at all. Why was she so damn happy all the time? She looked over at me.

"How is everything?" She asked nodded towards the table.

"It was fine." I muttered.

"Jaden helped with the cooking."

"That explains the mess." She smiled.

"Yeah I should probably get that cleaned up." She scooted her chair back and went to the car seat Eric left gently laying the sleeping baby in it. Then she went to the sink and started dishes. She acted like she had been living her all her life. She obviously had no trouble making herself at home.

"Can I watch TV? I'm done eating." I looked down at Jaden and nodded once. He dashed off to the living room. I stood and grabbed my plate and his before walking behind Aubrey. I put my arms an either side of her blocking her in as I added the two dishes to the sink. She paused for a second and then turned to face me. Her chest bumped mine but I never moved back. She looked up at me with those big blue eyes. Not a hint of fear on her face. I had never been this close to someone without seeing a look of terror written on their face and here, this small, fragile looking girl, stood. I looked over her face seeing the bruise from that son of a bitch. I lifted my hand to lightly trace it. I wished I could wipe it away. It bothered me seeing where that mother fucker had touched her. As my thumb ran over her cheek, her eyes closed and she slightly leaned into my touch. For some reason that made my chest tight. I didn't like that she could do that with a simple movement.

I heard the door open and someone ran in. I pulled away from her and turned to see Eric.


"Hey, how was work?" Aubrey asked turning back to the dishes.

"Long, I'm so sorry I didn't think it would take so long."

"Don't be they were great. You want some food?"

"I'm supposed to cook for Hannah tonight." Eric said rubbing the back of his neck. Aubrey turned to him.

"I made extra for her." He smiled relieved.

"You're awesome, sweetheart."

"And Jaden made dessert." She handed Eric a tub of food and another tub of cookies. He smiled. I didn't even know I had tupperware.

"Thank you for doing all of this."

"Of course." I moved back to the table and sat down. The door opened again and Clutch and Blade came in.

"Yes food!" Clutch said.

"Are you coming out tonight?" Blade asked Eric.

"I think I'm staying in with Hannah. I better get them home." Eric said waving bye. Aubrey followed him to say bye to the kids, I guess.

"What time are we leaving?" Clutch asked me. We went out almost every night but I hadn't thought about it with Aubrey being here.

"I don't know." I turned my head to where she had been but she was gone. I got up going up stairs. She was in my room.


"Hi." She smiled.

"You okay?" I asked not sure why she disappeared.

"Yeah, I just figured you didn't want me around everyone. You know, after last night."

"It was nice what you did for Eric today." I said meaning it. No one I knew would watch two kids they didn't know all day then make food for their family.

"It was nothing." She said looking down. Her hair covered her face but not before I saw a slight blush on her cheeks. I stepped to her wanting to lift her face but I didn't dare touch her again.

I sighed. "You are so frustrating."

"I don't mean to be. What did I do?" I shook my head. She frowned confused. "Do you have to work anymore?"

"No." I said simply. She nodded. She looked slightly aggravated that I wasn't talking more.

"Well what do you do at night?"

"Usually we go out."

"Oh, is that why the guys are here? Y'all are going out?" I didn't answer her at first because part of me wasn't sure I wanted to. No I was not letting her in my head again.

"Yes and you will stay here. Got it." My words came out harsh but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe she would listen. She just nodded. "Good" I turned leaving the room without another word to her. Time to forget about her.

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