Releasing the Monster

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I hated fighting with her but she was going to have to get over it. I still liked going out with my guys and that would never change. It wasn't my fault it was Halloween and I couldn't control the girls that came in and out of the club. I kept replaying her words in my head. How could she think I didn't care for her? I should have never said anything about the dumb bitch being here. I had hurt her out of spite.

"Should I go for the sexy cats, sexy nurses or sexy police officers this year?" One of the guys asked as we stood around the bar admiring the line of females that came in the door.

"The sexy cats are mine." Ace answered.

"The police are mine. They always have handcuffs ready." Blade answered eyeing one in particular that was giving him a 'come get me' look. He threw back his drink before heading her way. I found myself getting aggravated. There were about a hundred beautiful women walking around asking to be taken advantage of and I couldn't stop thinking about the one that had pissed me off. I slid my glass to the bartender for another round. As he refilled it, I felt a hand slid up my back and instantly felt anger run threw me. I turned to see a woman dressed as some kind of animal with a see through dress on leaving little to the imagination.

"Trick or treat." Said the woman seductively. Usually every Halloween there was one or two women who'd get drunk enough to find the courage to talk to me. I never had to chase them, they'd come willingly, wanting a chance to tame the man everyone feared. I'd let them try but in the end I'd get off and the girl would be nothing more than a whore who gave it up in the back of a bar. This year, however, I just wanted to drink in peace.

"Not interested." I muttered dismissively.

"But I am." She pushed. I turned fully towards her. She started to run her hand down my chest I grabbed it. Her eyes widened in shock.

"You don't fucking touch me, do you understand. If I wanted you, I'd have you. Now leave me the fuck alone." I threw her hand away from me and turned back to the bar.

"So committed" A new voice said. One I knew all too well. I felt my body go rigid but tried to keep as calm as possible. "It's sweet, really." I turned to him.

"Jeffery." I said, keeping my voice even while trying to hide the fact that he got under my skin. I noticed only one of his guys was with him.

"Now that you and the girl have grown so close, it will be even more satisfying to see you lose her." I ground my teeth together.

"May not want to start a fight without all your backup here to save your ass."

"Oh, they will be here soon they are just..clowning around." He chuckled like that was funny for some reason. Blade came over to me looking over Jeff.

"Problem here?" He asked flipping his switchblade in his hand. Jeff smirked.

"No problem, just a friendly chat." He turned to leave but paused, and looked over his shoulder. "Very brave of you to leave her tonight, you never know what crazy, twisted people may be out on Halloween." I stiffened. The two men retreated into the crowd without waiting for a reaction.

"Ignore him, he's just trying to fuck with your head." Blade muttered motioning towards the bartender. I nodded once but I didn't like it. I tried to not think about his comment but every now and then, it would replay in the back of my mind. I slammed down my drink and threw some cash on the bar.

"Where are you going, man?" A few of my guys called after me. I ignored them. I had to check on her, the nauseous feeling in my stomach hadn't gone away. And I wasn't risking her being in danger.  If he was stupid enough to try something, I needed to be there.

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