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I froze. She was there. She was safe. I felt like I was going to explode. She was safe. I felt relief wash over me. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to pull her to me, I wanted to fall on my knees and thank God, I wanted to kill someone. But all I could do was stand there.

"Xavier," She said softly. That pulled me out of the trance. I moved to her too fast, she stepped back from me. I glared at that and took ahold of her face as gently as I could manage given how I was feeling. She looked up at me with wide eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I pulled her face up to mine and before I knew it my mouth was on hers. I felt her go still before responding and kissing me back. I pulled away looking over her. She was here. She was safe. Suddenly I felt rage building up inside me.

"How dare you!" I said in a low, slow voice.

"What?" She asked confused.

"I don't care what I do, how drunk I get, you do not leave here like that!" I yelled holding her face tighter in my hands. She pulled away and backed up.

"Are you serious?!" I glared at her. "You kicked me out! You said you didn't care what happened to me and you expect me to stay?"

"Yes! Don't be stupid. You stay here no matter what, got it?" After a moment I realized what Clutch had been about to tell me. I turned from her and faced him. "You!" I drew back and punched him. "You knew she was fine the whole time! How dare you! You think that was fucking funny." He put a hand out stumbling back.

"Wait, last night I had her come with me so I could make sure she was safe. I didn't know you were looking until Chase called. You assumed the worst."

"You could have said something sooner that was hours ago!"

"This is not his fault!" I stopped hearing Aubrey raise her voice at me. I whipped around to face her furious that she was now yelling at me.

"Excuse me?" I stomped towards her. She didn't back away this time.

"You are the one who can't control your temper, who goes from this decent human being to the freakin devil in two seconds as soon as something doesn't go your way." I felt my jaw clench. "You don't like this situation? Trust me, I get it. I'm the one in danger but that doesn't mean I can act however I want and treat people bad. At least Clutch had the sense to take me to his house where I would be safe. At least he cared!" I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against the wall. I saw Eric and Blade step towards me like they were going to try and stop me but I ignored them.

"You do not talk to me like that, got it? I am the only reason you are fucking alive now. You will show me respect! As far as my temper goes, I have been nicer to you than anyone I have ever met just be thankful for that and keep your nose out of our business." She glared at me and it was the first time I had ever seen her angry. It would have been cute if I wasn't infuriated myself.

"If I'm such a burden to you, let me leave. I will not bow down to you like everyone else just because you saved me once." She pushed me back and I let her. She stepped towards me without fear. "I don't owe you anything and I will not be treated like shit. And as far as being thankful for your kindness," She mocked. "I have treated you better then anyone in this town. I gave you a chance! I treated you like an actual person, not a monster!" She turned to Eric and then Clutch. "Thank you for taking care of me but I'm not staying with him." She turned towards the door. Her words only angered me further, not because she was yelling but because I knew she was right. She walked into my life out of nowhere and changed everything.

"Aubrey, wait" Eric started.

She gave me something to fight for for the first time in a long time and now she thought she was just going to leave! I pulled her back and yanked her up throwing her over my shoulder.

"Xavier!" She yelled. "Put me down." I ignored her and started up the stairs. When I got to my room I dropped her on the bed. She struggled to get up and when she did she tried to get past me by pushing my chest but I didn't move. "What are you doing? You can't keep me here!"

"The fuck I can't!" I slammed the door and called down to one of the guys. He ran up the stairs.

"If she leaves this room, you die."

"Yes sir." I ran down to the kitchen. The guys were all silent.

"Now that this is all settled we have to figure out how to keep her from running away." Chase said flopping down in the closet chair.

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now