Back for Seconds

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The next night I was at work. Clutch and Xavier had both came. Xavier didn't like me working nights even though he got to sleep in. I think he felt there was more of a chance of something happening.
They both got bored and came into the back to hang out. Clutch ended up 'testing' everything that came out of the oven while Xavier just watched.

"Why you so quiet, man?" Clutch asked around the cookie stuffed in his mouth. He shook his head at him as to say nothing.

Around eight thirty, I got a bit busy. I noticed that the guy that attempted to flirt when he came in, didn't bother saying more then his order and a quick 'thank you'. After he left, two girls walked in. They were both in party dresses like they were headed to a bar.

"Hi, may I help you?" I asked walking to the register. They both looked around the restaurant and kinda frowned.

"Um, the bike outside doesn't it belong to Xavier Steele?" I looked over her confused. She was tall with long brown hair and her friend was also tall but with dark red hair.

"Who's asking?" Interrupted a dark voice behind me. Xavier came around the corner with Clutch. He crossed his arms over his chest making his muscles flex and looked even more intimidating.

"Hi," The girl smiled now leaning over the counter towards him but I was still between them. I stepped out of the way. "I haven't seen you at the bar in a few days." His eyes narrowed looking over her then realization crossed his face but he hid it fast.

"And?" He said sounding as if he couldn't care less.

"Well, I missed you." She pouted her lips. "We had fun the other night, it made me want to come back for seconds."

"Oh, fuck." Clutch muttered looking down. Xavier shot him a look. It didn't take a genius to put together what happened and my heart sank a bit in my chest and my stomach started turning. He looked over at me and I looked away quick.

"Get out." He demanded.

"What?" The girl asked standing up straight beside her friend.

"Get. Out." He repeated his voice held an unspoken warning, daring them to refuse. She stumbled back a step and hurried away with her friend. No one said anything for a moment until Clutch broke the silents.

"Welp, I think I'm going to go sit in the corner." He pushed off the wall and went to the other side of the shop. I didn't look at Xavier, I just walked to the back and pretend to be cleaning. Two hands appeared on either side of me and I felt the warmth of his presents on my back.

"Your upset." He muttered.



"Why would I be? You didn't do anything. Who you sleep with is your business. It has nothing to do with me."

"Look at me." He insisted. I turned to look up at him.

"What?" I asked trying to make my face emotionless and ignore my stomach that was still making me feel sick. His eyebrows pulled together. He cupped my face and ran his thumb over my check.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" I heard my voice sounding more aggravated then normal but I really didn't want him to see how bad it bothered me.

"Don't do what I do. Don't try not to feel, it will ruin you, Angel." He whispered looking over my face. I sighed heavily looking away from him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I guess it doesn't actually matter, does it? You plan on leaving eventually, right?" I reminded him. He lifted my face again. His eyes were sad again. He leaned down putting his forehead against mine.

"I plan to but I'm starting to doubt that I will be selfless enough to do you that kindness." He sounded annoyed at himself.

"I don't want you to leave." I whispered putting my hands on his chest and grabbing onto his shirt like he may disappear at any moment.

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now