Going Out

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I didn't have to work the next morning, so I got up early and made Xavier breakfast. Rose was helping. She seemed a lot calmer than I'd ever seen her before and she was very talkative where as before she would hardly talk over a whisper.

"You seem happy!" I said as she threw the fresh cut apples into a bowl.

"I am! What do you think about apple pie?"

"Sounds perfect. So what's going on?" I asked,
curious and happy to see her smiling.

"Nothing, nothing is going on. It's just I'm..." She turned to me. "This is the first time in a long time I have been in this house and felt safe."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you have heard the stories about Xavier, how cruel he is. But ever since you, he has started to change. There's hasn't been any fits of rage, no yelling and throwing things, he has been so calm and I know you never saw that side of him and that's because he doesn't have it when you're here. I'm not scared to be in the same room with my own nephew anymore and it's... a blessing. Thank you!" She grabbed me into a hug.

"I didn't think I was doing anything." I muttered, hugging her back.

"You are, you have no idea how many days I'd turn on the news and see some unsolved crime on the local channel and just be devastated at the darkness in him. But lately nothing, not even a broken window." I smiled at her, as she pulled away from me. "Everyone is slowly noticing and we are very grateful." Everyone? I heard the door up stairs open and knew Xavier was awake. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and turned as he came into the room.

"Good morning." He moved to me wrapping one arm around me and lifting my face with his other.

"One day you will learn to sleep in."

"I made you breakfast." He smiled leaning down and kissing me before going to the coffee maker.

"Do you work today, Angel?"


"Good, I want to take you to see that house so you can decide if you want to move your stuff in."

"I'm sure I'll love it, thank you for doing this for me." He nodded once moving to the table. The door opened and Sarah and Chase came in.

"Hey!" Rose beamed at Sarah, who also looked in a good mood. Chase sat beside Xavier and started talking.

"So Aubrey, we are going to the mall tomorrow just to shop around you are more then welcome to join us. I love the mall during fall all the smells and sweaters."


"No!" Xavier cut in before I could respond. We all three looked at him. "She's not going."

"Xavier, the poor girl cannot stay locked up forever." Sarah cut in, he glared at her.

"She is not going!" He demanded.

"Actually, She has work all day tomorrow." They all turned to me hearing the aggravation in my voice. I ignored them and finished up breakfast before moving it to the table. Xavier caught my arm.

"Angel," He whispered. "Don't be mad. I just don't want anything to happen."

"Nothing is going to happen. I'm fine." He frowned.

"You don't understand," He muttered. "Please trust me on this." I sighed but nodded.

"So where is the house at?" I asked changing the subject.

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