Lowest Point

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I didn't go straight to the Riders club I stopped at the closest ABC store finding a bottle of whiskey hoping to numb the pain. At least I told myself that was why, in reality I wanted to hear her voice again. As much as her memory tormented me, it was better than her being gone completely. I finished the bottle waiting for her to come back to me. It didn't work this time. I had lost her again. I jumped on my bike going to the Riders clubhouse.
When I got there, I parked on the street and walked through the woods towards the building. I watched them from a distance. I didn't have a plan, I didn't even really have it in me to kill any of them.
                   That was until I heard them talking. I saw Jeff walk on to the porch and after a moment a woman walked out to him followed by a little girl. I froze. The child ran to him and he grabbed her up hugging her. He smiled spinning her around. I'd never seen that look on his face, it was the same look Eric had when he saw his kids. He had a daughter. That was my target.

"Don't, Xavier she's innocent in all this. She's just a baby." I heard her voice. I shook my head.

"He deserves it."

"No," Her voice disagreed in a whisper. Jeff put the girl down and she ran over to the corner of the woods looking through the wild flowers. I saw a few of Jeff's guys making there way to him and his attention was off the child. I slowly walked towards her staying hidden in the trees. She saw me and went to scream but I was too fast. I grabbed her holding my hand over her mouth and pulling her toward the thick woods. I glared down at the child who looked terrified with tears spilling down her face. I looked over her and her blue eyes and blonde hair made my chest twist in pain. She reminded me of Aubrey, Aubrey would have been crazy about this child. She may have even had a baby that looked like this little girl.

"Lyla!" I heard a woman yell, the child wiggled in my arms pulling me from my thoughts. "Jeff where did she go?"

"Lyla, come out of the woods." I picked up the child and slowly walked out of the woods with her into view. The color drained from Jeff's face and he froze looking at his daughter in my arms.

"No!" The woman screamed, seeing the child. Several men turned pulling their guns instantly.

"Xavier, wait, we never bring kids into this!" He said trying to stay calm.

"Didn't know there were rules."

"She's a child she's innocent!"

"So was Aubrey!" I growled.

"I didn't kill her!" He lied.

"Fucking liar! I saw you kill her! You took everything from me! I'm just returning the favor." I heard bikes in the distance and soon after heard Chase and Eric calling to me.

"Please, let me explain-"

"No! You took my world! Now, I'm taking yours!" I grab my knife and held it to the child's throat. Jeff fell to the ground.

"No! I'm begging you!" He started sobbing and the woman screamed.

"Xavier, no! Put that baby down!" Her clear voice tortured my memory. I noticed Jeff turn looking surprised and relieved. "Xavier, please! Look at me!"

"No, Angel, he took you from me, he has to pay!"

"Xavier, I'm right here." Her voice was calm and soft. I could see her now standing in front of me but she didn't look like she had last time I had imagined her. She was dirty and limping with blood on her clothes. I froze.

"Angel?" She stepped towards me reaching out to touch me. I closed my eyes, praying to be able to feel her but knowing I never would.

"Xavier, please look at me." Suddenly, I felt warmth on my cheek and I opened my eyes to see her still standing there.

"It's not possible, I saw him kill you!"

"It wasn't her! It was just a blonde we found to fool you! Now please let Lyla go!" I heard Jeff pleading.

"Xavier, I'm here. Give her to me." I let the child go and she instantly hid in Aubrey's arms. I pulled Aubrey in my arms looking over every inch of her face before crushing her against me not being able to get close enough. I could smell the faintest scent of strawberries and I felt my chest swell.

"You're here," I whispered pulling her face to mine.

"I'm here." She leaned up kissing me gently before turning to Jeff and walking that way. I grabbed her.

"No!" I panicked.

"This has to stop!" She looked between the two of us. "Neither of you can live like this!"

"I just want my daughter!" Jeff pleaded with his eyes locked on the child. Aubrey leaned down putting the girl down. The child ran to Jeff and he wasted no time wrapping her in his arms. I pulled Aubrey to me never wanting to let go of her again.

"Xavier, I want to go home." Aubrey whispered wrapping her arms around me. I smiled kissing her.

"Me too, Angel." I picked her up and started to turn towards my bike.

"Wait!" I turned hearing Jeff yell at us. I glared at him. He'd put me through the worst pain I'd ever been through. He let me think I saw her murdered.

"What?" I demanded. He looked at Aubrey.

"Thank you" Tears were still running down his face as he held onto his little girl. She tucked further into my chest. "I'm sorry" He whispered sounding ashamed. "Thank you for saving my daughter." He glanced in my direction. He knew he'd pushed me too far. I had never gone after a child before. I turned again walking towards Eric and Clutch. I looked at Clutch.

"I'm guessing there is a good explanation as to why she was with you so thank you." Clutch smiled.

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu