Clutch and Blade

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I didn't realize how much I was going to miss Xavier. I was so used to him being there. The last two days just seemed boring without him there. Chase and Clutch were cool though. Chase even talked to Mrs.West and she really seemed to like him. On the third day, I didn't have work and was so tired of staying at the house that Clutch took me to work with him so I could get out of the house. He worked at a car repair shop downtown with Blade. I was sitting on a bucket watching him under an old muscle car.

"How long have you worked here?" I asked as he wiped the sweat off his face with his no longer white shirt.

"My dad owns it, I've been working with him for as long as I can remember."

"Is that how you got your nickname?" I asked. Clutch chuckled.

"It's actually my real name."

"Oh! I'm sorry."

"It's okay everyone thinks that."

"Blade, how did you get your nickname?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Um...well..instead of fighting with guns, I usually use a knife." My mouth feel open not expecting that.

"If she runs away scared Xavier's going to use your knife to slit your own throat." Clutch said working on tightening something under the car. Blade looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Come on, Aubrey, don't be freaked out. I promise you aren't a target."

"Y'all just say stuff like that like it's normal to have stabbed someone!" Blade and Clutch both looked at me funny.

"Do you know who you're with?"

"Xavier isn't that bad." The two boys looked at eachother. "What?"

"I understand why he is afraid to have you around. I hope you are as tough as you seem." Clutch muttered. I didn't understand what he meant.

"Hey, we going out tonight?" Blade asked Clutch.

"For the five hunderdth time, I'm watching her." Clutch said nodding towards me. Blade gave him a 'so?' look.

"Just bring her." Blade looked at me. "You wanna come to the club?" I was kinda curious.


"No, Xavier would be pissed and lose his shit if something happened. I'm responsible for her, he would kill me."

"Come on, man. We will watch her, she'll be fine."

"Clutch, I want to go." Clutch sighed.

"If anything happened..."

"She's tough, she can handle some bikers. Shit, she deals with Xavier."

We were able to talk Clutch into it by the time he got done with the car. We went home and I cooked dinner for the three of us. We were talking when the door opened and Chase and a girl walked in. She was tall and exotic looking, with tan skin and long dark hair. She was gorgeous but also looked like she could kick your ass.

"Hey," Chase said to everyone. Blade nodded and I smiled. "This is Jasmine. Jas, this is Blade, Clutch and Aubrey."

"Nice to meet you, finally." She smiled.

"Hey, are you both coming to the club tonight?" Blade asked Chase. "We are taking Aubrey." Chase looked kinda shocked.

"Xavier's okay with that?"

"She'll be with us, you and Jasmine should come." Blade said not actually answering his question.

"I'll go" Jasmine spoke up.

"I guess we're in."

"You want to help me find something to wear?" I asked Jasmine.

"Sure, I have to change anyway." We went upstairs to Xavier's room. "So, Aubrey, right?" She asked looking over me.

"Yep," I said smiling at her.

"So why are you the only girl allowed here?" She asked with an accusing tone. I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Chase said none of the guys bring their girls here. Why is that and why are you here?"

"Oh," I frowned. I understood why she sounded upset about that. I couldn't imagine having a long distance relationship, especially with what I've seen of these bikers. "I guess thats because of Xavier." Her face changes to fear and she stiffened when I said his name.

"I've heard about him but never actually met him. I've only seen him once. He was beating the shit out of this guy." I frowned.

"I know most of the guys keep their families away from him. Chase is probably just being cautious."

"Is he here?" She kinda whispered.

"No," I said looking away from her.

"Good," She sighed relieved before turning to the clothes. I frown feeling my chest tighten and all I wanted was to be in his arms.

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