Chapter 17

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"Yesterday was the longest day of my life," I told Zach, snuggling into his arms to stop him from going running the next morning.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Was it really that bad?"

"You have no idea how difficult it is to get into those damn dresses," I grumbled. "And the seamstress at the first place nearly killed me trying to 'pull in my fat'," I grumbled.

"Did she say that?" Zach frowned.

"Yeah she was a right bitch," I growled. "At least I have my dress now and so does Lexi so hopefully she will be happy for a couple of days."

Zach ran a finger up my spine and I trembled in his arms. "I can't wait to see it," he told me, his voice low and his lips warm against the shell of my ear.

"Mmm, I can't wait to see you in a suit," I said, looking up at him and licking my lips. "And I really can't wait for the honeymoon."

He grinned and swooped down to claim my lips in his, licking and sucking on them while I moaned out in approval. When he pulled away, we rested our foreheads against each other and sighed in contentment.

"Did you think about who were going to be groomsmen?" I asked him, sinking back into his arms and allowing my eyes to flutter closed.

"A bit. Obviously Liam and Chris and then I was thinking of asking Aiden as well," he said and I smiled. "And then I guess Ryder and Blake and Olly and Mason should be part of it too," he said.

"Only if you want them to be," I said, opening my eyes to see him smiling down at me.

"I do," he assured me. "So thats 7."

"8 including you," I said and then closed my eyes once again. "Can I make it 9?"

"Who did I miss?"

"I want my dad to be part of the bridal party as well," I said softly and only silence followed. "Zach?" I opened my eyes again to see him frowning.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he is my dad," I said, moving to rest my chin on his chest. "He's trying Zach, and he didn't really do anything wrong. He wants to be a good father and I want to let him."

He sighed and and ran a hand down his face. "I know," he grumbled. "I just don't like the guy."

I frowned, running a finger up and down his chest and keeping my gaze locked on my hand rather than him. "Do you not want him there?"

His finger hooked under my chin and he pulled my face up to meet his intense gaze. "I would never tell you not to invite him to our wedding Ella. Just don't forget that he was the one that killed my parents... I know he had a good reason but that doesn't change the fact they are dead."

"I know," I said softly. "But he was also the one who took Chris in and told you about having another brother. He is trying and I know it would break his heart if I didn't invite him."

He nodded and kissed me gently. "Sweetheart, as long as at the end of it, you are my wife, I don't care who you invite." He grinned and I smiled back.

"Good... how about my ex?"

A growl escaped his lips and he flipped us over so he was hovering over me. "I changed my mind," he snarled before pressing his lips to mine and kissing me fiercely.

I giggled against his mouth. "There was also something else I wanted to run by you," I said and he paused to look at me with anticipation.


After talking with Zach, we eventually got out of bed and I dressed quickly before going around to my best friends house. I knocked on the door and smiled when Tyler answered.

"Hey El, everything ok?" He asked.

"Everything is fine," I assured him quickly. "I'm actually here to see Ryder," I told him and he nodded, stepping aside to let me in.

I smiled and followed him through the house and into the living room. I dropped onto the sofa and grinned when Tyler yelled up the stairs for his brother. "Get your ass down here!"

"What now?" I heard Ryder yell back and I laughed.

"Ella is here!"

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them while I waited for my best friend to come down. I had grown up with both of them and sitting in their house reminded me of my childhood.

I used to sit on their sofa waiting for Ryder all the time. His mother would offer me cookies while I waited and his dad would go off and speak with my dad about business after telling me a joke that at the time I found hysterical, but now I realise they were in fact terrible.

Ryder and I would spend hours in his living room, playing games and telling stories while our fathers talked. When we got a bit older we were allowed to go out onto the territory and play but at first, Tyler had to come and keep an eye on us.

We never made it easy for him, running off and hiding at every chance we got. We even broke the most important rule a few times and tried to cross the border. But he never told our dads about it. He always kept our secrets so they wouldn't get angry at us.

The sound of footsteps booming through the house pulled me from my memories and I glanced up to see Ry thundering down the stairs. "Hey." He grinned and grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.


"Whats up?" He frowned, scanning me for something. "You looked upset."

I shook my head. "I was just thinking about all the time I used to spend here," I told him, a fond smile on my face. He grinned and threw an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun wasn't it."

"No!" A yell came from the kitchen and I laughed at Tyler.

"Anyway, I came to ask you something," I explained, smiling widely.

"Okay," he said and dropped into the seat opposite me. "What can I do for you?" He asked in the most professional way he could muster, crossing his legs and raising and eyebrow at me.

I laughed and shook my head. "I wanted some advice for the wedding," I explained and he relaxed back into the seat. "I asked Zach about my dad being involved and he agreed but he wasn't exactly happy."

Ryder shrugged. "It's your wedding and he is your father. Your choice El," he stated simply and I smiled.

"Well Zach seemed to realise how important this is to me so my dad is on the guest list but I don't want him to be anything more than that really," I said and Ryder nodded. "But I don't want to walk down the aisle alone."

He sighed. "Your dad... Alex, he would have killed to walk you down the aisle," he said and I nodded, knowing how true that was. "I'm so sorry he can't be there El."

I smiled. "Me too."

He shrugged. "But," he continued, "you're hardly traditional Ella, you can walk down the aisle with someone else, it doesn't have to be your dad. Maybe you can walk with Zach?"

"Actually, I kind of had someone in mind," I said and he looked to me expectantly.

"Who?" He asked when I stayed silent.

"Well... you?" I said.

Instantly his eyebrows shot up until they disappeared into his hair. "What?" He asked, his eyes bugging out of their sockets. "Really?"

"Yeah." I nodded, smiling at his shock. "You've been my best friend forever now and to be honest, you'd be the best person to walk with. Will you think about it?" I asked and he grinned.

"Don't have to," he said, rising from his seat. "Done."

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Thank you."

"I can't wait for you to get married El, I'm so happy for you," he whispered, squeezing me tightly. He pressed his lips to my cheek and I rested my head against his chest. "Zach is seriously lucky."

I smiled and looked up to him. "So am I. I have the best fiancé and the best friend."

"I am pretty great," he boasted and I laughed before hugging him once again.

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