Chapter 30

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The next morning I felt a hollow feeling spread through my chest when I woke up alone. I could feel my wolf within me clawing to be reunited with Zach to the point where it was almost painful.

I knew he was still in the house, with his scent overwhelming my senses and a strong urge to go downstairs simmering in my mind.

I brushed the covers off of my naked body and shuffled across the bed, a little sore. Before I could move any further, however, the door swung open and Zach stepped in, dressed only in a pair of boxers and carrying a large tray.

"Hey," he said, moving towards me, "I made us breakfast, I figured you could do with a lie in." He winked over at me, a smirk on his face.

I shot him a look, deciding not to argue since he was completely correct. I felt as though all my energy had been drained out of me and all I wanted was to curl up and sleep beside my husband.

"It smells amazing," I told him, surveying the tray containing a full cooked breakfast.

He shuffled to sit beside me, pressing his bare chest against me and pecking my head gently. The aching in my chest subsided the second his skin touched mine and I sighed in utter bliss. "Do you feel that too?" I asked him, hoping I hadn't become clingy and obsessed already.

"The weird aching while I was downstairs?" He asked, obviously aware of the change as well. "Yep, it felt like my wolf was trying to claw its way back to you."

I nodded in agreement. "Its strange. It's like I can feel you inside of me," I mumbled, unsure how to word the strong sensation of closeness I was feeling.

"I know what you mean," he assured me, pulling me a little bit closer. "We feel connected," he said, "I didn't know things would change when we got married."

"Me neither." I took a bite of my food and hummed in happiness at the delicious taste. The feeling intensified as Zach smiled down at me, like I could feel both of our happiness flooding through me and illuminating my senses. "If this is how it feels when we are both happy," I commented, reaching up and pressing my lips to his. "I'm dreading the day we are both sad."

He rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him, abandoning the food for a moment and turning me so I was straddling his lap. "I love you so much," he growled into my mouth, the vibrations passing through me with each word.

I hummed in agreement before pulling away a little. "I know, I can feel it."

Days passed of blissful peace and each day of being married made us feel more connected. However, being so incredibly happy also caused a small pit to form in my stomach since I knew it wouldn't last forever and at some point, real life would catch up to us.

Being so emotionally connected meant Zach could feel the worry within me and tried his best to assure me that we would be fine but I could feel the doubt within him.

We both seemed to agree to ignore the dread stirring within us and continued to spend our days together.

"Never stop kissing me," he mumbled into my mouth as we lay across the sofa.

I sighed and pulled away from him at the sound of a knock at the door. "Ignore it," he grumbled, tugging my body back towards his.

"They wouldn't interrupt unless it was important," I argued, kissing him softly before jumping up and heading towards the door.

Behind me, Zach followed with a frown.
"If its Liam I'll kill him," he grumbled, making me smile before I pulled the front door open to see Tyler, Ryder and my father.

"Hey?" I greeted in confusion, not expecting to see the three of them together at my door.

"Hey El, I'm sorry to bother you but we need to speak to you," Tyler said with a sigh.

I nodded. "All three of you?" I questioned.

"Well... we need to speak to you," he answered, gesturing to himself and then my father. "I don't know why he's here." Tyler rolled his eyes at his brother who grinned up at me.

"I'm here to see my best friend!" He exclaimed. "How's married life?" He winked and I grumbled under my breath before stepping aside to let them in.

"It was great until you lot came," Zach huffed behind me and I scowled at him. He pouted back and skulked of to the kitchen while I lead the others into the office.

"Is everything okay?" I asked before my eyes widened. Now Tyler wasn't standing in front of my father, I could see the deep gashes torn into his skin. "What happened?" I gasped.

He huffed and dropped onto the sofa. I glanced between him and Tyler for a moment with questioning eyes until Tyler cleared his throat. "I know I said I would handle everything this week but this involves you."

"Are we under attack?"

"No," he assured me with a shake of his head. "But your dad is."

I looked past him to see my father frowning. "By who?"

"Some woman approached me at the border," he said, his frown deepening. "I wanted to help out while you were off so I was down talking to a couple of the border wolves when a wolf bolted at me."

"Are you okay?" I asked, moving over to sit opposite him.

He nodded. "I managed to fight her off and she's in the cells," he said, keeping his gaze locked on the table between us. "Apparently I killed her husband."

I frowned. "Why would you do that?"

He finally met my eyes and sighed deeply. "El, I killed her whole pack," he said with a grumble.

"She's from Zach's pack?" I gasped, staring over at my father while he sighed yet again.

"Yeah... and she's demanding to speak to you," he continued and my heart jumped as I remembered that Zach's pack wanted me dead. "You... and her three sons."

I was silent for what felt like hours as I stared at my dad, shaking my head. "No, their mom is dead," I stated.

"That's what I thought but she seems to think differently. I don't think its safe for you to speak to her but I figured you would want to tell the boys?" He said with a shrug.

I looked between him and Tyler and then Ryder before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Please, please tell me this is it! Tell me neither of us have any more secret family?" I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

"Sorry El," my dad said softly, standing and kissing the top of my head. "Don't go down there without me okay?" He asked.

I nodded in reply before he turned and left the office. "Come on Ry," Tyler called, shooting him a glare when Ryder ignored him and sat beside me.

"Love you," he whispered in my ear before following his brother and grumbling under his breath.

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