Chapter 38

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I leant against the glass panelling of the lounge window, gazing out at the mountain range standing proudly behind our village. Small figures were already making their way up the mountain side as darkness started to fall. With a heavy sigh, I pressed my forehead against the cold glass and allowed my eyes to flutter closed.

"That's the sixth sigh in the last ten minutes," Zach commented from somewhere behind me. "You need to relax sweetheart."

The sound of his footsteps echoed through the otherwise silent room before I felt his hands rest on my shoulders. "I can't," I told him, leaning back so I was resting all my weight on him. "Do you think I made a mistake?"

This time it was Zach's turn to sigh while his hands began to massage gently over my skin. "No, you saved her life, El. Because of you, that girl still has a mother."

"And tonight that mother is going to turn into a werewolf and wont have a clue how to handle it."

"That's not your fault!" He argued, kissing the top of my head. "You offered to help her and she declined... whatever happens tonight is her problem."

I sighed again, knowing Zach was right. Still, that didn't remove a single ounce of the worry or guilt I was feeling.

"Come on... we should start heading up," he said, sliding his hands from my shoulders to my wrist and taking my hands in his. "Its our first full moon as husband and wife," he whispered softly in my ear, nibbling gently on my skin.

I smiled, knowing tonight would feel different to any other full moon I'd experienced before. I followed my husband out into the cold windy night in total silence, simply holding his large hand in mine.

We reached the clearing shortly before the crowds around us began to transform, some changing the second the moon hit its peak and other being a little slower. While usually, Zach's wolf initiates the change a little sooner than mine, tonight, we were joined by the power of the moon and transformed in total synchrony.

The second my four paws thudded to the ground, I felt a deep feeling of longing ache within me. My golden glowing eyes fixated on Zach's large, bulky figure, watching the way the wind brushed through his soft fur, the way his ears twitched at every sound, the way his own eyes blazed as they met mine.

I had never wanted anything more than I wanted to be alone with my husband at that moment. My wolf was clawing to get to him and for a moment, my self control withered and I took a steady step towards him. The fire in his eyes danced as he watched the small movement, his claws sinking deeper into the ground to anchor himself.

The pit of need within me only intensified as we drew closer and closer to the moons apex. Eventually, a loud bark sounded close to my ear and I snarled, turning quickly to see Tylers wolf glaring at me. It was only then that I realised the entire pack had turned and were waiting for my command.

With great relief, I threw my head back and released a booming howl, listening as its echo rolled through the valley before silence fell. The moment didn't last long as seconds later, the thundering of thousands of wolves paws hitting the ground reached my ear as everyone charged from the clearing, eager to run wild.

I listened as the sound faded until only faint barks and howls could be heard in the distance. Thats when my eyes moved back to Zach's. Neither of us had taken a single step, having no desire to be anywhere other than together. Cautiously, my wolf took a gentle step forward, my soft paws padding against the ground as I did.

A deep grumble vibrated from Zach's chest as I continued to prowl closer and the fur on my back stood on end. Every inch of my skin felt hot as his eyes remained glued to me. Again, I inched closer so that we were barely a foot apart, his nose only inches from mine.

Soft pants of breath escaped between his slightly parted lips and I looked up through my lashes at him, waiting.

Before my mind could register what was happening, Zach pounced. My legs were completely knocked out from beneath me and he nudged me over onto my back. His front paws came down either side of my head, keeping me pinned beneath him while his back legs were positioned either side of mine.

Excitement built up inside of me as he stared down, an intense look about him. Slowly, I lifted my head and pressed my nose into the crook of his neck, feeling his thick fur tickle my face. My tongue poked out from between my lips, running along the length of his neck and he barked out above me.

His own lips found the skin on my neck and his long tongue swept down the side of it, causing me to whimper desperately. Feeling his mouth on mine as a wolf was a whole new experience and the deep feeling of longing stirred inside of me.

Instinct took over and I felt myself sinking my teeth into the flesh of his neck, exactly where I had marked him long ago. Nothing felt more right in that moment than marking him, not only as my husband but as my mate. As the wolf I would be joined with forever.

Copying my actions, Zach's teeth pushed into my skin, causing a sharp pain for a second before raw desire ached within me. The last time he marked me, I was human, but this time, in full wolf form, it felt a million times more intimate.

Once you're marked by a wolf, you're always connected to them, no matter what. You feel their pain, their fear, their desire, their anger and their happiness as deeply as you feel your own. Werewolves called it 'mates' when two people were so deeply connected they could feel each others souls and the only way you could ever lose your connection with your 'mate' was if you or they passed away.

Zach pulled his teeth from my neck, leaving a fresh, deep wound. A drop of my blood dripped from his fangs and landed on my fur before he cleaned it off with a swipe of his tongue.

A deep growl reverberated from his chest and I felt the vibrations as he pressed against me, dominance radiating from him. I stared into his eyes for a while, watching them flicker between an illuminated yellow and a deep, glowing orange.

Moments of silence passed as we gazed upon each other, making note of every small feature and imperfections our wolves had. I had all the time in the world to study Zach's human form and had every detail etched in my mind, however I rarely saw his wolf. I hadn't memorised the way every tuft of fur seemed to fall perfectly, the way his left eye had a small fleck of pale yellow amongst the sea of fiery amber, the way his huge paws left prints in the ground that people would easily mistake for bear prints, the way his sturdy legs were always locked in a fighting stance.

The tranquil moment seemed to vanish in a flash and suddenly, our jaws were locked, our tongues tangled, and his huge body was leaning against mine as we desperately tried to get closer to one another.

I whimpered out in need once again before he finally gave me what I wanted. Something pressed against my opening and I barked out for it, feeling raw desire when Zach pushed inside me and we began to rock back and forth together.

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