Chapter 27

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"Smile!" The photographer called for the sixth time as we stood beside the long, white stretch limo Lexi had hired to drive us into town.

"I'm trying," Caroline snapped, "but the light is bloody blinding me."

I laughed beside her, watching as she grimaced at the camera, tapping her foot impatiently. After two hours of being prepped and beautified, we were all finally dressed with perfectly curled hair and gorgeous makeup.

"How about we get going? We have plenty of photos and we don't want to be late," I suggested, my attention not on the photographer but on the house right next to mine where I knew he was. Completely sealed away with all the curtains drawn while we had our photos taken.

"Good idea." Lexi took my arm and the rest of the girls lifted the hem of my dress so I could climb into the limo as gracefully as possible. The rest of them followed closely behind until we were all crammed in. "Champagne?"

"Hit me," I said, holding out my glass for Alexia to fill. She laughed and popped the cork, making sure to hold it well away from our dresses before pouring everyone a drink. "Cheers," I said, holding mine up and clinking it against the others before sipping at the bubbly liquid.

I was unable to sit still as I thought about getting to the town square and seeing Zach. I was so distracted throughout the journey, I didn't realise we were pulling up until the other girls were ogling out the window.

I turned to the sea of blue-silver lights strung up all around the square, weaving amongst strings of ivy and white roses that curled around the usually plain steel posts. Lanterns hung from the surrounding buildings and a plush white carpet lead from the car to a beautiful wooden archway decorated with wild flowers on the raised platform.

Either side of the long carpet were wooden chairs with a satin throw hanging over the backs with a cluster of wild flowers tucked into a blue bow that held the material in place.

"It's beautiful," I said softly.

"I'm so glad you like it," Lexi breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't know if it was enough but I know you hate too much and-."

"It's perfect," I interrupted.

The photographer had already climbed out of the car behind us to take photos of the empty square and the driver of the limo was holding the door open, patiently waiting for us to climb out.

I followed behind Jordan and smiled as the warm summer air brushed over my skin. The weather was perfect with the sun shining above us and the sky clear of clouds.

We posed for a few more photographs before entering the small home off to the back of the square. We filed in and made ourselves a drink before the sound of another car pulling up gained my attention.

I turned to peer through the satin curtains to see a black stretch limo appear on the other side of the square. After a few moments, the doors opened and Liam was the first to climb out, dressed in a pristine black suit and a blue tie that matched the girls dresses. He looked more serious than I had ever seen him as he turned and watched the groom to be climb out behind him.

All my breath whooshed out of me as I saw him for the first time today. His suit fit him so perfectly and he stood taller and stronger than I had seen him. I watched nervously as his eyes swept across the empty square and landed on the house he knew I was in.

The intense burning look in his eye had me frozen in my place. Despite the curtain and tinted window that meant he couldn't see me, it felt as though he could see right through me. Like he could see every thought and emotion I was displaying.

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