||The Beginning||

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A//N As for all the errors in this book, I will edit the book when I am finished. The main character's name is pronouced like a Venn diagram, but with a long A sound at the end. Vena.

*Think before you post a comment or send a message, because even though you can't see me, doesn't mean that what you say won't hurt me. Be kind to one and another and I promise you it will come back around*

Thank you,



This has to be one of the most important days of my college years. They are just beginning.

Classes start in a week and half from now and I'm freaking out. I'm choosing my new flatmate today, not because I want one, but because I need one. Who knew rent money didn't grow on trees? I want to live on my own in my new apartment just like I had been for the whole summer.

But here I am, waiting for my next applicant that is, in fact late.

I sit at the island in the middle of my kitchen while drinking my tea, thinking to myself whether or not I really do need a roommate. I've interviewed three applicants who have applied to be my flatmate. I'm starting college here in New York soon and I won't have time to work like I did in the summer.

I seriously didn't want a flatmate but the owner of my apartment thought it would be a fantastic idea to raise my rent from $2000.00 to $3000.00, a month before school starts.It's not like I have choice in the matter. I am so screwed unless I get someone to pitch in. I need someone to help pay at least half of the rent.

I have interviewed three people; two girls and one boy. The first person I interviewed was a girl whose name is Lanelly. I know it's a very weird name. She is very weird, I must say. As soon as she stepped through the door I sensed it was not going to end very well, and I was right because she was the weirdest person I had ever met. She tried to take my socks and she licked my counters, telling me it tasted like cheese... If that dosen't say weird then I don't know what does. She's definitely a no.

Next was a boy whose name was West. By the sound of his name you would think he would be a laid back kind of guy, but that's the exact opposite of what he really is. You know those people who are terrified of germs? Yeah. He was is one of those people. I keep my apartment clean, and I hate mess so it's never messy, but apparently that wasn't good enough for him because he actually picked up a wash cloth out of the drawer (I have absolutely no idea how he knew where they were, but he did. Creepy much?) and washed my counter tops.

Yeah, let that sink in. He is a creep and and germ freak. He is definitely another no.

The last person I had recently interviewed was a girl whose name is Laya. She was one of those girls who belongs in a sorority, but beside that fact, she is quite nice and seems like a person I could live with. I would definitely consider her.

At this moment in time I'm waiting for my last applicant whose name is James. I've never met him, but he seems nice according to his e-mails.

I look over at my phone and there is a message from Zeke sitting on the screen.

"Please call me, Vena. I miss you."


That name has stayed in my head since the day of graduation.

The day he broke my heart.

Zeke Camber is the name of my first love.

It was the day of graduation that he broke up with me. He had told me that day that he didn't want to have a long distance relationship, but I knew that wasn't the truth. Just one week before graduation I caught him making out with my good friend, Talia. It was heart-breaking because a month after he broke up with me and I found out that he went and dated Talia. Just the fact that he cheated on me tore me apart.

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