6 - Why the whistle though?

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"When did you guys even meet?"

Bruce, Eric and I snicker in response. Trish just asked us how we met before everyone else. The memories of the day rush to my brain, which bring a smile to my face. Currently, all of us are sitting in the cafeteria, right in the middle. At first I wasn't so sure about sitting with them. Somehow, I felt like intruding so I tried to get away but Ridge assured me that it's fine. So I agreed. It's not like I have any friends here anyway, except for these people.

"Story time bitches," Bruce yells dramatically, clapping his hands together in excitement. He straighten ups in his seat, gesturing everyone to come a little closer. "It's a big secret. So listen carefully."

Trish rolls her eyes and hits him on the arm. "Shut the fuck Bruce," She then turns to Eric. "You tell us the story. While the rest of us will just ignore him like we ignore the background music in YouTube videos."

"That was harsh," Ridge chuckles. "But he deserves it."

"I hate you guys," Bruce grumbles, sinking in his seat, arms crossed against his chest, a frown on his face.

Everyone else just ignores him.

"So, Bruce and I were in target a day before school started where we met Lydia. She was getting some sanitary pads when I bumped into her. And then we started talking, Bruce joined, he started cursing loudly and we got kicked out because of that."

"You forgot to tell them that we ran away with 4 beer cans." I add, laughing as the memories resurface.

"Holy shit. That's awesome," Erica chuckles. "I wish I was there."

"Ridge has tough competition now," Neil starts, chuckling loudly. "He once stole a carton of beer, pocket full of candies and a whistle."

"Wait what?" I look at Ridge, shocked. He looks at me with a smirk, shrugging his shoulders. But then I blink in confusion. "Why the whistle though?"

"To blow it after we left the store without paying. Grand exit," Bruce answers. "I distracted the cashier while he did the work. He wouldn't have been able to do that if it weren't for me," he exclaims proudly.

"The cashier was hot though," Bruce mumbles dreamily, corners of his mouth lifting up in a smirk.

From the corner of my eye, I see Trish a little tense in her seat. Her eyes roam around the table awkwardly. The hot comment bugged her, I guess. Ah, young love.

The bell rings, signalling that lunch break is over and we have to get back to classes. Sighing, I get up from my seat and so does everyone else. Throwing the wrapper of my sandwich in the trashcan, I turn towards my friends and ask them about their classes.

"English." Everyone replies. Wow. Everyone has the same class. If this isn't friendship goals then I don't know what is.

Since I have English too, we decide to head to the room together. Everyone walks in the front while Ridge comes to my side. "How do you like the school so far?"

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