40 - You always have to joke

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"Can I have ice cream, mommy?"

Dave has asked Aunt Veronica the same thing at least ten times now. And every time time he gets the same answer - no. But hats off to his determination, he's still pestering her to no end. He clutches the bottom of her dress in his small hands, pulling at it. "Please mommy?"

"No means no, honey. Ice creams are not meant for lunch." She scolds him, making him pout in disappointment. He huffs loudly, walking back to the living room couch, and takes a seat next to Ridge, who's talking to his brother on the phone.

We had gone to the hospital after having breakfast where we found out that neither his mom or his dad had shown any type of movement or response. Even though it crushed him to leave the place, Anne convinced him to head back with me because he looked like a zombie with those bags under his eyes. A clear indication that either he didn't sleep all night or he woke up in the middle of the night, and didn't get back to sleep after.

I can practically feel the anxiety and the deep melancholy radiating off him from the dining table as he hangs up the phone and closes his eyes tight, massaging his forehead with his fingers. I've already asked him to take a nap but he doesn't budge from his decision, that he wants to say awake in case his parents wake up. It's understandable but he's hurting himself and worrying me in the process. And I don't like this at all.

"Ridge, can we go out to the park?" I hear Dave ask him in his soft voice.

Ridge glances my way, a silent question in his eyes. I nod, making down at him, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Of course buddy. But we'd have to ask your mum first. If she gives us permission, then we can go."

He runs to his mom, tugging at her dress, yet again. "Momma, can we go to the park?"

She smile down at him. "If you promise to be a good boy and not trouble Ridge or Lydia, I'll let you go."

"I'll be a good boy. I promise." He promises, giving her a toothy grin. She smile at him, pinching his cheeks. Then, turns to us.

"I hope you guys will be fine taking him to the park. This kid can be a handful sometimes," She smiles sheepishly at Ridge, throwing a grateful look his way.

He shakes his head, "It's fine. He's a sweet kid."

So, we take him to the park, and since it's walking distance, we don't take any car this time. It's a sweet atmosphere outside, the cool breeze is blowing, brushing against my skin, birds are singing, perched up in the trees, the roads are not too busy at the moment, and I can see a few shops flooded with customers. A contrast to what our mood is today.

Dave is walking between us, one of his hand holding my left one and his other hand holding Ridge's right hand. He is skipping forward, a big smile on his cute little face. I notice Ridge looking at his phone again and again, as if someone's gonna pop out of it soon to give him a good news.

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