44 - I banged my toe against the table

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I cannot sleep.

I've been wriggling in the bed from the past half hour. Hell, I even tried counting sheeps but to no avail. I want to get up but I'm tied down by Ridge's arm, which is tightly wrapped around my body, while his head is tucked in my neck, as he snores softly.

When we had fallen asleep, we were at a distance since Ridge has slight pain in his ankle. But somehow, after he fell asleep, unconsciously, he scooted closer to me, and now our legs are intertwined together, and he's practically sleeping on me. Not that I mind at all.

A lazy smile takes over my face when I turn a little and look at his features. He looks so peaceful and beautiful, those thick lashes lightly fluttering, his plump lips parting a little as he breathes softly. I kiss his head softly, then turn away, patting my hand on the bed in search of my phone.

I find it lying under the covers, tucked near my waist. Switching it on, I decide to pass some time on social media since I don't think I'll fall asleep any time soon. Ridge stirs slightly, delving deeper into the covers, his arm tightening around me a little.

I place my left hand on his, intertwining our fingers. I scroll through instagram, looking at random, unnecessary posts. As I'm scrolling, a videp pops out, the loud music making me jolt in surprise. It's a Maroon 5 song, Maps.

I lower the volume, and sing along, making sure he doesn't wake up.

"But I wonder where were you, when I was at my worst down on my knees," I sing along, making sure that my voice is as low as possible. But when is my life on my side anyway?

Ridge stirs in his sleep, lifting his face from my neck, rubbing his knuckles against his eyes, "Why are you on your knees? I'm pretty sure it's three in the morning right now." His voice comes out sleep hazed, husky and rough.

"It was just a song," I mutter sheepishly, locking my phone and throwing it back on the bed. I snuggle close to him, "sorry I woke you up."

He lets out a soft, low chuckle, his sleep laced voice sounding like music to my ears, "It's fine, baby. I wasn't in a deep sleep anyway. And now that I'm awake, I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep."

"Well, let's get bored together then," I retort, cuddling next to him. He kisses my neck, his lips curling up in a smile against my skin. We lay there in perfect silence, enjoying the feel of each other's heartbeats and warmth in the cold weather.

"Don't you sometimes wish to just run away and never look back?" I murmur against his neck.

He tilts his head up to look at me, propping his chin against my chest,"Your dad will probably kill me before we even step out of the house."

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