41 - I feel like doing really bad things to you

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Winter is here.

My favorite, the hoodie season is here. Now I can wear those cute fuzzy socks with weird patterns on them, have hot cocoa without the need to cool it down and wrap myself in layers of comfy sweaters and blankets, sit near the fireplace and read a book with coffee in my hands. It's still mid November, but the weather outside is as chilly as a snowy Christmas morning.

My eyes take in the view from my window, watching the wind pick up, swaying the nearby trees as it blows away. How beautiful it all looks. I wish I could just chill in the backyard but unfortunately, I cannot. I get out of my warm bed, much to my dismay and decide to get ready for school since I have only thirty minutes left.

It doesn't take me long to take a shower, get ready and run downstairs. Quickly, I have breakfast and rush to school with Tanner and Em because apparently, Tanner woke up late today. I wonder why?

When we reach school, the first period has already started so we rush to our English class in a hurry, because the teacher might be good but she doesn't tolerate tardiness. And I don't detention today because Ridge has a race after school. And there's no way I'm gonna miss that.

"I swear I'm never gonna run in my life ever again!" Em huffs, running with me towards the classroom, "I'm already sweating, fuck."

Behind me, Tanner groans. Yes, he's walking slowly, because he's hungover. And he's sleep deprived. And he's tired. That's what he's been whining about all morning. Such a cry baby.

We reach our classroom and I open the door. And since the impact is more than I thought, it opens with a loud bang, capturing everyone's attention. Ms. Reynolds looks up from the book in her hand, her eyes slightly narrowed at us. "Look what we have here. Ms. Herrington, Ms. Jenner and of course Mr. Leeds."

"Good Morning Ms. Reynolds." Tanner mumbles, pushes past us and takes his usual place, next to Neil, which is straight at the back. Em nods at her and heads inside, followed by me. I take my usual seat, next to Ridge, who's eyes are shining with mirth.

I give him a smile, throwing my bag on his lap, "Hi honey."

His eyes widen in surprise, even more amusement visible in them but he doesn't say anything since Ms. Reynolds starts her lesson.

"Hey baby," Rigde whispers in my ear. I look to my side to see him smiling at the board. His eyes are at the front, but his attention is at me. I ignore him and try to concentrate on what she is teaching. I like English but I really need to pay attention to what she's teaching or else my grade will go down. And I really don't want that.

Someone pokes me with something pointed in the stomach, making me snap my neck to the side to see Ridge twirling a pen in his hand, a smirk playing on his lips. So that's how he wants to play?

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