39 - Mommy will scold you

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Ridge is gone. And I have no idea where he is.

He left as soon as we reached home, saying that he needed some air and time to think. I wanted accompany him but I refrained because I understood that he might need some time alone to gather his thoughts.

But it's nearly ten now and he isn't back yet. It's been more than three hours and I've been going out of my mind, thinking about all the worst possibilities that can happen. And on top of that, his phone is off. I wanted to just rush out and find him but dad stopped me, saying that he had to do this alone.

But I'm just scared. I don't want to think about anything negative but he's not in the correct state of mind, alone at night, what if something bad happens? My mind is constantly pushing me to the worst of the scenarios and it's terrifying.

"Lee, why are you so sad?" Dave's soft, innocent observation clutches at my heart. I turn around to see him standing near the living room door, with his penguin stuff toy in his arms. Whiskey rubs his nose against my leg, putting his paw on my legs again and again which means he can guess that I'm a little out of sorts.

"I'm not sad baby. I'm just a little worried." I reply, hoping that my smile doesn't show otherwise. "But what are you doing here? Where's your mom? And dad?"

He walks towards me and takes a seat beside me. "Mommy and daddy are in Uncle David's room. I was with them but they were all talking about boring adult things so I came here. Why are you worried?"

"You remember Ridge?" He nods. "He isn't home yet and it's past his bed time so I'm worried that your mom will scold him if he isn't back soon. And I don't want your mommy to scold him."

"We are here." Em's as usual cheerful voice announces. I see her entering the living room, Tanner trailing behind. I see bags in her hand, filled with all kinds of junk food. Right from candies to ice creams. So that's why they had gone out.

"He isn't back yet?" Tanner asks, once he notices my dejected expression. I sigh, shaking my head.

"I just hope he's alright." Em mutters, a frown curling on her lips.

"Emmie, can I have a candy?" Dave asks in the cutest voice he can muster, running towards Em, who's loading the things on the kitchen counter. She glances my way, then looks back at Dave, who's currently giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Your momma will kill me if she finds out that I've given you sugary foods at night. But who can resist this cute face." She pinches his cheeks and hands her a rainbow lollipop which he accepts happily, skipping over too me, sucking on his candy.

Tanner makes himself comfortable on one of the couches, switching on the television, while Em heads to the kitchen. Dave walks over to Tanner, snuggling close to him, taking the remote from his hands.

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