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Sally Jonathan Richards

Sally loves last benches. Not because she is an introvert but because those last benches are the perfect point from where one could observe each and every situation in the classroom. Also she never had any friends except her twin brother Allen, who sat in a different classroom, physically she was alone but never lonely. It was the first year at high school and she came with all arrangements. Her bag consists of; a) the usual school stuff b) the current manga she is reading c) a sketch book d) her age-old iPod. She came in and took her seat. The seat in front of her was empty and to her right was a cute, hot, thin, black haired guy. She couldn't deduce the height because he was sitting so she lost interest. Soon the homeroom teacher entered, introduced herself and started calling out the names of the students. She was busy thinking about the cliffhanger last episode of One Punch Man when she heard,

"Sally Jonathan Richards!"

"Present ma'am!", Sally blurted out almost mechanically.

Maybe it was her imagination but without glancing she felt that the guy to her right was staring at her. "Let him stare...it has nothing to do with me.", she thought. She is a self claimed geek who has a broad knowledge about unrealistic TV shows, anime, manga, K-pop, K-drama and games. Even Allen couldn't win against her in video games all these years. A bookish girl with characteristic glasses on her eyes has just started high school. She was mediocre in studies but not a bad student. And also hot guys stare at her!!

Allen Jonathan Richards

Allen is the current basketball captain. Aka the FannyMagnet of the school ( fanny magnet is a cheat in the video game GTA Vice City, which when activated attracts all the women in the vicinity.) Naturally he received a lot of chocolates on Valentine's Day, which were all consumed by Sally, but he never dated anyone. Still the girls liked him. Allen always wanted to spend time with Sally at school but she didn't want to because that would ruin her brother's reputation (read: she would be popular and she hates popularity.) But this time they made a pact. Allen promised to help her in maths because he got full marks in the subject and in return to the help Sally had to go for lunch with him. He doesn't want to have his classmates surrounding him and talking about which girls were the hot ones or which websites are the best to watch porn and also Sally doesn't come out of her room at home, so school was the only place where they could actually talk. While Allen was busy making his practice schedule, a girl came up to him and said,

"Hey Allen! Would you like to come to my house this Saturday. I am going to throw a party."

"Huh!", said Allen, coming out of his thoughts, "Oh party? I am sorry, no. I have plans."

"Is that so? Can't you manage for this week?", the girl asked, tilting her head.

"I would love to but sorry.", he said and gave an apologetic smile.

The girl left, probably with a heavy heart but minutes later she was seen flirting with the class representative. So clearly, Allen was not girl-crazy. Most of the time he was busy with basketball or video games (he still dreamt of defeating Sally one day) or solving math problems. He loved numbers. Once when a girl proposed him, he rejected the girl with 5 reasons. He said,

"I will give you 5 reasons why I am rejecting you. 1. You are too young, 2. You are not in love with me, it's just a romantic wave, 3. I don't have time for love relationships, 4. I am already in a relationship with basketball and 5. I have exams coming up so please don't mess with my head."

He heard a rumor about the girl crying for two whole days but he was too busy to pay attention to it.

The Pact : Siblings lunch time

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