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The transfer student


Sally's hunch was correct. Ronald Dempsey liked the event that happened in his house that day. He was a bit shy at first but due to Sally's continued blabbering he said it.

"I...am...not...mad...about it. It's just- I mean, I don't know. Maybe I was expecting it?"

"So now what?", Sally enquired.

"We are good friends so I don't want to ruin that. I will just distance myself from him. You know I shouldn't let my feelings grow.", he said.

"So you are gay.", Sally said.

"I wanted to keep it a secret. People always left me alone when they got to know it."

"I am not like them. I chose to be your friend. I will always be there for you.", Sally said with her hand on her heart.

They smiled at each other. Soon the classes started. As decided, Ronald didn't join them at lunch anymore. Allen asked Sally about it once and she said he is busy because of exams. Ronald couldn't study at home because of his family dispute, so utilised his time at school. Allen never mentioned about him again until after a week they came across each other in the store room.

"Hey!", Allen said.


A moment's silence.

"Umm... So why are you...I mean, how are you?", Allen said, his tone nervous.

"Fine. I'm glad you remembered me.", Ronald said with a subtle sense of irony.

"Wait... Why? Are you angry?", Allen asked, confused about the situation.

"Why should I be angry?"

"Because of that day. And the fact that I didn't apologize... I mean I really acted like a moron."

"You are still on that? I have long forgotten about it. It was an accident.", Ronald said, continuing his work.

"So we are good then?", Allen asked. He felt his heartbeat speed up.

"Yeah... Of course."


Maybe Ronald was expecting something more. He might not have any deep feelings for him but he enjoyed being with Allen. Everything about Allen attracted him. Even before Sally introduced them. He had finished his job but was still pretending to be busy. Just in case.

"Why don't you come for lunch anymore?", Allen asked out of the blue.

Ronald felt a lump in the heart.

"Sally really wants to spend time with you.", Allen said.

"What about you? What do you want?", Ronald asked.

"Huh!?", Allen looked surprised.

"I will join when I get time. See you.", Ronald said and moved out of the room.

While Ronald and Allen were having their Cold War, Sally was already immersed in a silent crying scene. Ash Lynx of Banana Fish (an anime) died in the last episode and her mourning phase was still on. She was staring out of the classroom window in the most dramatic way possible, when her desk moved a bit. She shifted her vision in the classroom, to find a boy standing in front of her. He had blue eyes, light brown hair and a neither-fat-nor-slim-muscleless body. A normal high school boy.

"Could you please move your bench a bit backward?", he said.

First of all Sally was already in pain and now another pain-in-the-ass emerged. Her days of happiness came to an end. The bench that was empty was now occupied.

And Sally Was The Odd One Out.Where stories live. Discover now