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The introduction : preliminary

Maybe it was too soon but Allen was really in the mood to introduce Ronald to his mom. Sally didn't say anything but she had things in her mind, notorious as she is. They started dating at the beginning of the semester and it has been 3 months since then. No one in school knew about them dating except Sally, Morris and the Asian guy who sits in front of Ronald. One day Allen called Ronald's mom and took permission for Ronald to stay over. She agreed. She was kind. When Sally and Allen dragged Ronald inside their house, their mom shouted,

"Have you two gone mad? Who is he? Did you kidnap him?"

"No, ma'am- I mean, auntie. I am a friend of them", said Ronald.

"What kind people drag their friends?", mom asked.

"He didn't want to come. That's why we are dragging him in.", Sally said.

She kept her bag on the sofa, held Ronald by his shoulders, turned him to face her mom and said,

"Here I present to you, another favorite student of Mr. Simon, my best friend, a budding artist, your son's lover, Ronald Dempsey."

Everyone except Sally twitched at the last description. Allen's phone fell from his hand, Ronald's mouth fell open, the laundry basket fell from their mom's hand.

"What?", Sally said, looking around at everyone.

"Shut up, will you, Sally? Never joke like this,", said Allen, picking up the basket, "we are just good friends and a bit close. Sally always teases him like that because Ronald looks up to me as an idol. He loves sports too, you know?"

Allen winked at Ronald.

"Umm... Yes, he is right. Really Sally, even Morris was upset because of the jokes you make. There is nothing between us.", Ronald replied.

Sally gave a confused expression.

"Alright. It's nice to meet you. Simon mentioned about your friendship once. You and Sally had decorated the school gate and everyone went crazy over it. I heard it.", mom said.

They all nodded together.

"Get fresh and I will arrange for some snacks in the meantime.", mom said and left.

As soon as their mom left Allen and Ronald had a shy eye contact. Sally went to her room. Allen, seeing the chance pushed Ronald into the sofa and started giving him kisses all over the face.

"Stop it or I will punch you.", Ronald said, pushing Allen away from it.

"Your punch will not hurt me, my cutie Ronnie! I wish I could kiss you like this for the whole day...", said Allen.

"Where is my iPod... ", Sally stopped in the midway, when she heard squeaks from the living room.

Sally reached the living room to encounter her brother messing with her future brother-in-law.

"This sofa is for the guests, my dear brothers. Please shift your romance to your bedroom. People come and sit on this.", Sally said in a stern voice.

Reluctantly they left their romance midway. While they were leaving, Ronald stopped in front of Sally and said,

"Where am I going to sleep? Do I get a room?"

"What do you think this is? A hotel?", asked Sally, with a smile.

"Oh! So...your room?", Ronald asked, his voice nervous.

"Of course not, you moron. I don't allow any outsiders in my room. Guess you have to sleep with your boyfriend, then.", Sally said, looking for her iPod.

And Sally Was The Odd One Out.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora