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You wandered, emotionally drained.

The whole ordeal of famous-people-meetups felt like you were taking off your convenient, comfortable facade and putting on 4 new ones. And a plastic one for halloween.

You adjusted your hero mask, and yet again chuckled a bit too bitterly.

While you were looming around the secluded guest way, you began to hear the sound of feet running.

Ah there he was. The man of the hour.

He ran up to you, seemingly fresh out of a costume party. You saw a paperback of one of your books clutched between his partially-gloved fingers and smiled sheepishly. Ah, a fan. Fancy seeing one here. You thought you could escape those, haha.

" You're [Y/A], aren't you? Jeez, I knew you were.." pretty. He knew you were pretty even though he'd sparingly saw you; But he loved what he could. The chin and down videos were enough to entice him - luring him in. He'd spent days - weeks reverse-image searching, photo manipulating and deep-faking just to get that close to you.

And now you're meeting in real life. And you were speaking to him, and looking at him, oh god, you were looking at him. Heat rose in his cheeks and he was thankful that the makeup could cover it. He hoped to god he was not visibly sweating.

" Ah- I knew you were here, I saw your post about being with... some ...other youtubers. " Almost forgetting what he came to you for, he stood shifting in place and aggressively running the sharp tips of his fingernails against the ridges of the book. Poor Mikey had to, because if he wasn't, he might've pounced on you and carried you home with him.

" That's alright. " You tiredly murmured. One quick look at his book and you understood what he wanted you to do, sans the very anxious gesture he was performing. You tried to ignore it and chalked it down to fan paranoia. In a comical sense, it completely was.

He hushedly pushed the book out towards you while you fished a pen out of your walletpack.

" Ah, Clover. This is a pretty new book... " You looked at the front cover and felt bashfulness creep up on you. It was inevitable, as all fans made you feel like it; it was still unset in your brain that so many people liked you that much.

" I bought it the night it dropped. I..

I waited all day. Didn't move a muscle. " He truly didn't. All he did was Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. You nodded solemnly while you began to sign it. Again, you understood nervousness led fans to saying weird, sometimes... creepy things, so you let him be. You also admired the pristine quality it maintained. Its like he didn't even.. really read it yet. But he was too keen on it not too.

" That's awesome. Thanks for supporting me- " He touched you - his hand meeting yours and stopping it. It sent this vibrating heat all the way from his hands to the rest of his body and it felt like electricity. He felt too good. It made him wonder what he was missing all this time.

" I have two copies... And I bought all the other ones, too. "

You lifted your eyes to meet his. He looked doggedly serious.

" I'm... I-I'm your biggest fan. Please, can I just- "

" [Y/A]! Hey? We've got a schedule to follow! " Your manager waltzed over towards the dark, secluded corner you two resided in and slowed to a stop. Mikey had already snatched his hand away, but it didn't stop the feeling of your skin against his from imprinting itself into his hand. He was emotionally invested in every centimeter of skin and urged for more. But now wasn't the time.

" Ah. We're done here... See you later,.. "

" Mikey- Michael. I'm Michael. "

" Michael. " His ears stood attention at the way you said his name and made him quiver. You were just so powerful to him.

Meanwhile, in the depths of your mind, you were barely connecting that 'Hey, that's the name of the dude that writes you sometimes. Is it.. him?'

You slid the book in his direction and he hurriedly received it. It was sad you couldn't stay to calm him down or even ask a simple question, but business is business.

" Goodbye. " and with that, you had to be gone again.


Mr.Beetlejuice was yapping away at his phone while you got into the beat up truck. Though you drove yourself here, he insisted on driving you back. It all sounded like unimportant background chatter while you sat in the passenger seat, looking regular.

While he shut the phone off, he took a quick look at you in the review mirror. That caught your attention enough.

" I need you back at 9pm because i'm leaving at 7am. I gotta represent you, and I trust that you'd be able to take care of yourself for two days. "

Though his words were sharp, his tone was surprisingly taut and caring. His powder blue eyes, which were heavily dulled with age, glued themselves back to the road as he hauled absolute ass back to the hotel you were staying in. He had an authoritative, calm guardian sound to his voice that you couldn't give a cold-shoulder, even if he was in a ridiculous beetlejuice costume while speeding down the freeway.

" I'm sure these last days will be slow, anyways. people go to work, church.. Allthat. "

" Uh-huh. "

" And because we were able to record before we headed out, you'll have 5 or 6 months to finish the other videos...

Specifically considering your Halloween video is scheduled, and the next isn't expected for a while. You can chose if you want to, though. "

" Uh-huh. "

" And all thanks to? "

" ... " You idly looked out the window, acting uninterested.

" You know it! "

You laughed heartily, holding onto the visor handle.

" Slow down for me. Thanks. "

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now