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" Hi, my sweet little angel. Have you learned your lesson? "

You felt the presence of his dark figure looming over you. How splendid. When you need him he's gone and when you hate him he's accounted for.

You didn't want to open your eyes yet, and didn't feel like responding as the whole ordeal last night had you up until you cried yourself to sleep when the sun began to rise. And of course, he was standing in front of you now at what seemed like 7 or 8 due to the light.

It was too early and you were too exhausted from being mentally assaulted.

Disappointed by the lack of response, he took this as you still peacefully sleeping.

Ah, Oh well, this just means it is perfect time to check you out now. Hopefully the withdrawals didn't put you through a seizure.

But he knew that wasn't the case, no foam and 46% of patients only experience a slowness of heart-rate when withdrawing from this medication, not an immediate brain deactivation.

He stared greedily at your partially covered body. My my... He recognized that he should not be staring. But he doesn't follow anyone else's rules or sermons anymore, he's got his own home and CNA license.

The cover hung loosely around your legs but left not much of your sparingly-clothed upper half to imagination. Oh wow. How lucky was he to witnessing this first hand.

Could now be the time he receives his first kiss? He thinks it should be. It is perfect, everything is perfect. Well, you could be awake and sitting on his lap but that will be soon enough. He took out chapstick and put some rushedly onto his lips, maybe a bit too much, and then nervously rubbed them together. He... was getting shy again. God damn it! He slapped himself on the head and hoped he did not wake you.

Well, you didn't move and it didn't sound like your breathing changed at all, so he continued quite handsomely.

" Hello (Y/N). I would like to kiss. "

Michael, What the fuck. You stayed in your position just to see if the crazy bastard was actually going to do it. It'd also probably be a dub for you if you suddenly blurted out that you were only fake-sleeping, which would surely anger him. That all didn't need to happen.

" We are kissing now.. I'm kissing you, and you like to kiss me. "

He slowly bent over and you could feel his presence stalking forward. He whispered " You are now my first kiss, my love, and you will continue to be my only, and then my last. "

How he expected you to sleep through this.. you don't know. At-least he admitted that he'd never done it before. If he was roleplaying like that with you every time you were asleep then...

You hoped that your cringing wasn't apparent and that his eyes were closed as he stooped down and pressed his glossed lips to yours. He paused and then gave a bit of suction, releasing your lips with an amorous, 'mwah'.

You were finished with pretending and fluttered your eyes open, hoping he wouldn't go in for a second one.

" Ah, My sleeping beauty, Good Morningg. "

" Goodmorning. " You immediately faked a smile, acting innocent.

" I'm sorry for yesterday. " The day before actually - yesterday did not exist. You did not speak of it. You didn't want him to ask anything of it, either. What was his last name again?

" I know you are. While I was out I bought you a present, But you have to close your eyes first. "

You stared at him for a half-beat and hurried to shut your eyes, not strong-willed enough to fight him at 7 a.m. He stole another kiss before giddily moving something about the room. Freak.

" Okay! Open now. "

Set ascross the room was a wheel-chair accessible table with a type-writer stacked upon it, filled with paper. And on the dresser next to it was another stack of paper; Printer, no lines, 11x9.

You, again, stared at him plainly.

" Oh! don't worry, I also brought you this. "

He held up your plotting notebook, a new notebook, and your old folder. Greeaaat.

" Since you said you're sorry, it's only logical you want to make it up to me. Right? "

Your breath got stuck in your throat.

" Riight? " He urged impatiently.

"Oh. Yeah. Right. " You just wanted to mess with him a little. Juuust a little. Wrong time, you might've thunk if you were in your right mind, but you aren't.

" No problem, love. Anyway, you can! By rewriting that evil book and giving it to me. As a gift.

I do so much for you don't I? I deserve this. "

" Okay. " You shrugged. Whatever, man. He could be making you do much worse things, He kissed without permission, but didn't continue further. Now he's just forcing you to remake your own book series. Is that all? He's not going to put you in a circus or saw of your arms and reattach them somewhere else? Just rewrite your stupid fucking book?

It was his rules until you can walk atleast a little anyway. Not being sent into with-drawls every few hours without his meds was ideal, too.

" You are just my little celebrity. " He pinched your cheek. His voice was deep when he spoke below his normal tone, it sent shivers down your spine.

" Yeah I am your celebrity, Mikey. "

He jolted away, red flooding up his face in an instant.
He looked like he just ran a few laps around the track. You guessed he was not expecting that at all.

" OhYeah. You Are. " With that tense laugh and straight back, it was miles apparent that was now very nervous and shy. Hmmm. It made you get to think that maybe he was like putty.

You looked at him absently. " I would like to sleep now."

" Okayy. " He said, very windily. " Was I also your first kiss? " He slapped himself, on the inside this time. No stuttering god damn it! Only poise for the lovely.

You continued your blank stare. It didn't matter if you lied or not because he is in La-la-loopsy land you suppose. Things had little to do with reality.. that's a key trait of his. Hopefully there just wasn't a tent in his pants (there was.)

" Yes. " You laid back down and pulled the cover over yourself. You decided to try something within the split second, " Now get the fuck out of my room. "

" Ah! Okay!! I'll be back with breakfast in a while! "

How odd, you thought. He will do anything as long as you flatter him or give him reassurance. And do what he says, that probably also has to do with it.

Not exactly riveting but that's... funny. Not predominantly haw-haw funny, 'i have to laugh so I don't cry' funny. 'My captor is like my lapdog as long as I've got a lap and i'm tossing him bones'.

Meanwhile... As for Michael, Whew. When you were so demanding while wearing so little. Michael wipes his face clean of sweat and adjusts his pants quickly, biting at his lip.

And you kissed him.. Wow.... He wiped the drool spilling from the side of his mouth like the proper gentlemen he is and began searching the fridge for some food.

An I.V. would be a good idea for the process of surgery and healing your legs. It is too dangerous to just drug you up alot and do it, there were measurements and calculations.

Or is it...? Hmm. All medicine has its complications, he believes. He is doing the right thing.

He began to cook breakfast.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now