
4.8K 204 61

" And just like that, the youtubers in the email started talking about my videos and... featuring me, even! "

Your manager grunted in approval as he typed away at the keyboard, his shiny, bald head the only thing in view on Skype. You stifled a giggle and regathered your thoughts, trying in earnest to be professional..

You failed to bring up the few criticisms accrued from people you'd never spoken to, and you sort-of didn't want to elaborate on them, either. The only time you've experienced something like this was the very first time you received recognition online. You remember the first video to reach 1k pushed you into an almost inconsolable mess.

Then again, youtube was barely on the rise back then and the really famous people were only pushing 100k. That used to be huge.

This was different though; that same bewildering happiness a thousand times more brilliant. People were mentioning you by username, making inside jokes about you..

Pushing the computer chair back, you sighed deeply trying not fray your own nerves. A video should be ready for both Halloween and Thanksgiving.... At face value, everything was smooth sailing from now on.

As for the convention invites...

You decided the first two cons would be too soon for you and your manager's big reveal, and that Halloween would actually 100% be your best bet. Not only is it the longest one, spanning over three days, but it'd definitely be the easiest. No face reveal necessary.


Michael was out kicking rocks. When he wasn't hunched over his computer or phone watching your every digital move with unblinking eyes, he felt a little useless. His dad was a pharmacist; along with the fact he was studying to become one as well, his schedule was sometimes packed full or deserted.

Because it was ghastly empty right now, he's decided to take his happy ass about this city for a change. Staying inside was not helping his vitamin deficiencies, his bed sores or his mental state. And hey? Maybe he'll see you.

He suddenly had second thoughts. Miracles only occur when you're good and the universe observes your patience. I've been quite patient, he thought, the money I've saved wasn't in vain. He tapped his fingers together in a very happy, thinking gesture. Now that he's got a good look at them, he sees that he might need to redo his nails. Though the boy is unsure of what color yours were at the moment and/or if they've changed, It was a fun game for him, as they were the only clear things he's seen of you on video. You two had something in common, like a red string tying two lovers together.

Soon, he hopes, he'll see more of you.

Soon, he knows he will.

He cant wait to finish the book.

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