Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I was transferred into private room. Aunt Sara entered the room just after doctor Henry left with initial check up of Diyaudeen and mine. A nurse took Diyaudeen to clean him and now he was back in my arms.

Aunt Sara came toward me. She looked at him and said as she touched his face.

"I was there when apa( elder sister) gave birth to Hudayfah. He look just like his father. Beautiful." She murmured the last word.

A soft cry came from him. I was soothing him when Aunt interjected. "He must be hungry. Feed him."

I smiled up at her and answered "You are right."

I pulled up my dress off my breast leaving it bare for him to feed. I pulled his head toward my breast and he quickly latched on my nipple sucking from it as Aunt stood beside me smiling. When I looked at him feeding from my breast. A lot of  emotions developed in me.

A tear escaped my eye. I felt a joy after so many time. He felt like a gift to me. I felt like I could live for him and maybe happily too,If its with him. He fell asleep sucking. As he was finished I pulled his head away to pull my dress down to cover my breast.

I wiped his mouth which had bit of milk on it and kept looking at him. The thought of losing him or Abram family getting their hands on him gripped my heart in tight fist.

"Auntie what are we going to do?" My worried voice echoed in the room.

She squeezed my hand. "We will fight and pray to Allah." It was just after she said those words that Doctor Henry entered the room.

He took a seat on a chair beside my bed. "How are you feeling Mr's Khan?" He asked.

"I am worried." I answered him truthfully.

"Well I may have a solution for your worries but" He paused. "It may require a large sacrifice."

"I am all ears." I answered back as I cuddled a asleep Diyaudeen more in my chest.

"I haven't informed anyone from Abram family about his birth. They won't be able to come here till morning as the roads to London city are all blocked till morning. We will be able to keep this under wrap." I did know that it was snowing outside but didn't know that it was snowing this hard.

"They had people keeping an eye on us. I think they already know that I was in labour." I interjected.

"Yes, but they don't know that if the child made it or not." He answered.

"What about the midwife?" I asked him.

"She will remain silent. You don't have to worry." He assured me.

"Please be more direct." I requested.

"Alright. When I visited you this morning. I was rushed back to hospital due to an early delivery."  He remained me.

"I remember but I don't understand how this information is related." I made my question known.

"Its linked because it may be able to help you. Back to the topic. The lady gave birth to premature baby boy. The baby wasn't healthy. On of the wall of his heart wasn't fully developed and he had a very weak immune system. We informed his parents about risks before doing the surgery and they agreed. There were less chances of the baby's survival but our team of cradio_thoracic surgeons tried their best but unfortunately he couldn't make it." He explained.

"Are you suggesting?" I didn't finish my question but I already knew his answer. He wanted me to give Diyaudeen to that couple in replacement of their dead child.

"They can try for more in future. How can I trust some strangers with my son?" I voiced my thought aloud to him.

"Unfortunately, They can't. The couple had already gone through with three miscarriages. It was the forth pregnancy. It lasted longer then previous one's. Any doctor won't advice my patient to try for another as she isn't healthy for it." He explained the situation.

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