Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Zakariya P.O.V:

I checked up on her again and again last night but I couldn't make myself to enter the room. I felt guilty tremendously that's why I couldn't stay there with her. I always just found myself at door with my hand raised to knock but never knocking. After offering fajar prayer, I felt an inner peace which helped me to to enter the room. When I opened the door. I found her asleep with her back to the wall next to the door.

I gently placed my hand under her legs and back to pick her up. I carried her to the bed laying her down on it slowly while looking at her face to make sure she remained asleep. She didn't even stir as I pulled the cover to her chest. I pulled some hair out of her face. I was going to get up when I felt her small hand pick mine. She snuggled my hand to her face mumbling "Janaan."

The endearment brought a smile to face filling my heart with warmth. I let my knuckles trace her cheeks. A doubt seeped in my mind which dimmed my smile but I shrugged it away just enjoying the moment.

The last night with her in the room up to my lips touching her temple was same as my dreams that it felt like a deja vu. I used to have this dream after I realised I fell in love with her. The dream was something that I used to cherish at first but when she rejected me. I started hating it and when she married Hudayfah. It was cause of nothing but raw pain. Then when I came to London after converting. It brought to me nothing but shame that I wasn't able to meet eye to eye with Hudayfah and her. I started to keep a distance between us. I used to pray to Allah to spare me from these dreams if she wasn't meant to be mine but now here she was on our bed in a room of house that I prepared for us.

I got up and changed for jogging. I took some clothes and things with me for office and left them in room next to our.

The property was large enough for me to jog around it. I came back from the jog to house two hours later. The fresh air helped me to clear my mind. When I entered in. I took of my sneakers wore sandals placed there. I walked upstair straight to guest room to take a shower and changed into grey pant suit with white shirt.

When I walked downstairs the aroma of omelette and pancakes drifted into my nose. I entered the dinning room to find the breakfast set on table with her standing there in plain grey long shirt and trouser and grey dupatta. A black shawl draped around her shoulders.

She looked at me with so much hope and pulled the chair. "Breakfast." I took her offered chair before pulling a chair next to mine for her to sit.

"I didn't know you smoked." She said out of blue while we were eating. She probably visited the living room which was actually filled with aroma of cigarette.

I kept eating ignoring her. I was still upset with her for last night. It somehow came from the deep guilt inside me. She left doubts in my mind. I couldn't tell if it was her first attempt and that left me more frustrated. I wiped my mouth and then stood up. "If you are done then we need to go somewhere."

She didn't say anything and stood up. I noticed that she took only small bites and wasn't actually eating but I didn't comment on it.

We reached our destination in no time. I glanced at her to check her expression. "What are we doing here?" I didn't give her an answer and got out of the car slamming my door and walked to her side and opened her door.

"Zakariya" She softly whispered my name waiting for an answer.
I only placed the draped duppata from her shoulder to her head.
Taking her hand in mine, I pulled her out of the car.

I expected her to follow me to the gates of graveyard but she remained on her place. I gave a sigh. "Its the only way Noor."

"You think it would help me to accept." She spoke in hushed whisper.

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