Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Silence. Our journey started with it. I am talking about the both. The journey to his home and our journey as a couple. I wonder if both will end with same silence or it would be broken.

I could feel his stare on me. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be discreet or not because I became unaware of his presence. Harsh I know but how should I have reacted. I was clueless in my second marriage even through the person sitting next to me was no stranger.

The car halted and stopped after entering the driveway. I hear the click of the door as it opened and he got out. I was sitting there on my place lost in my thoughts. I didn't want to got out. The simple task had too much meaning. My side of door was opened. I could hear my heart beat loudly. A larger rough hand was outstretched in front of me to take. My eyes moved from his hand to face. His angular jaw was still covered in rough blondish stubble. His blond hair were falling on tip of his ears. I looked at his hand with long finger once again before looking at his face which showed so much hope.

If I took his hand then it would mean so much to him. I didn't want to hurt him so I slowly placed  tip of my fingers on his hand. My finger remained there not moving up or away. He waited patiently as I kept looking at our hands. When I took no initiative then he pulled my hand fully in his intertwining our fingers together and engulfing my small hand in his own. This action of his had me looking up at him in surprise. His stare had so much intensity that I wanted to pull my hand back but I didn't and he released a breath of relief.

"Noor." He tugged my hand and I got out of car. He said something to driver but I didn't hear it keeping my eyes solely on ground. He walked forward with my hand still in his and I kept following him just a step behind.

We had to pass through the pound which had a Japanese style bridge. There was a waterfall to the right covered with dense plants and shrubs and beside it was a seating area with curtains. There was a stream which covered one side of house. The front entrance of house was south to bridge through which we entered.

I followed him into the house through the door. He turned on lights. There was a small circular area under a large chandelier under it was a round table and hanging place at corner. Zakariya took of my Shawl and placed it on that hanging area with his coat. The circular area lead to a round staircase.

I followed him upstairs. After the stairs ended. The stairs opened into a hall. It had large piano in centre. The walls of the hall had glass windows. In between those windows were large glass door which opened into a balcony. There was a corridor opposite to balcony. I followed him from there to one of room. We entered in the room. The walls were white cream with wooden floorboard. There was a large rectangular mirror on wall above the bed. To the left side was large glass door. To the right was a door and two chair with a small table at corner. There was long mirror placed in one corner of room and there were rectangular shelves beside it step wise.

I was still standing at the threshold. He walked further some step into the room. My hand still tightly held by his. When he noticed that I didn't walk further he looked back at me and then at our joined hands. He walked two steps toward me so that he was close but not too close. He placed my hand in between both of his hands. He looked me in eye but I couldn't hold his gaze.

His head moved downward toward our joined hands and it remained there. I could feel his breath on my fingers when he said in a whisper like he was afraid of answer itself. "Will you come in Noor."

I bit my lip contemplating what to do and how to answer him? A slight nod of my head was all he got and his stiff posture relaxed a bit. I looked away for a bit and when I looked back at him. I saw jet black hair instead of blond giving me butterfly kisses on each of my knuckle. My body grew stiff with my eyes wide open. My breath got catch in my chest. I had to blink my eyes to take myself away from the fragment of imagination.

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