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I looked at myself one last time in mirror. My fingers brushed on my black hairs making sure that they were settled down nicely in my low bun. My light nude makeup perfect for my age with my nude gloss.

I was wearing a peach embroidered dress with a chiffon dupata having floral embroidery at the corners. The dupata was settled on my right shoulder. I looked elegant and serene for my age with diamond studs and diamond ring on my engagement finger.

I rubbed my hands with nervousness. Years, more then a decade has passed since we started looking for him. Now we finally found him. My face was same with two or three maturity lines that told about my age.

Thirteen. Thirteen years. My own words that were said by the young me mocked me. Whenever Zakariya gave me a disappointing news. I remembered those words and a part of me again and again died. The memory came back of the time when I so surely said those words. It made me truly believe in irony.


Its just...I don't think so I would ever be able to leave my child."

"You are not her." He gave me intense stare like telling me "I know you won't."

I judged Sofia Ahmad but was there any difference between two of us. After all. I too gave my only child away and now I hoped that he would be able to accept me. I hoped that my fourteen years old son would forgive me.

A set of hands squeezed my shoulder. I looked into the mirror to find the face of man who have been with me like a constant support. A shoulder on which I cried on and the arms which always picked me up when I broke down. He fought with me to those nightmare until I had them no more. He gave me security. A family. A home and a purpose to live.

"You look beautiful."

I chuckled. "And old." I added in. I was in my early forties.

"Still beautiful just like eighteen years back when I first saw you."

I tuned to him and took the tie from his hand. I stood on my tip toe to wrap the tie around his collar.

He picked me up from my thighs and hoisted me on the empty side of dressing table.

"Some things never change." A cheek grin tugged on his lips.

"Just like your way to much tallness."

I hearty chuckled left his lips. I wrapped the tie around his collar and knotted it. I wiped away the imaginary dirt before placing my hands on his chest.

"Thank you or I would have actually died of nervousness."

"We couldn't let it happen now could we?"

He teasingly nudged my nose. I giggled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck with my fingers pulling on hairs of his nape as they moved upward to his greyish blond hair. The age did a number on my husband. His face had some wrinkles and his now blondish stubble also had some grey in them but I must say that he still looked handsome. More like an handsome old man.

"On a serious note. You are getting old."

I harshly pulled on his hairs.

He made a pout and perfectly raised one eyebrow in confidence.

"Wells that was not what you were saying last night when I was pulling
on these beautiful hairs of yours as I was thrusting inside you."

I slapped him on his chest as he came close for kiss. I jumped down from the table. This crude and filthy behaviour of my husband was no more surprising after second year of our marriage. This side just came out after some months when I gave birth to twins.

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