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Luna was in tears

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Luna was in tears. Luna had absolutely no idea that Klaus had struggled this much.

It was almost impossible to tell that he had struggled, he lived away as though a king would, full of lavishes and riches, not having a care in the world about their surroundings.

It almost seems as though he has no problems, and that he will always be happy. Though, now she knew that there was some form of trouble present in his life. Though, their struggles are way too similar.

It was almost as though they were cut from the same cloth.

After Klaus had told his family's history, talking about his mother's infidelity and Mikael. Luna then chose to tell him the truth. Water past, about her mother, and hope that he understands and does not change his perspective of her.

There was now a silence that was present in the room. It wasn't awkward, but the air had in it an overall field of negative emotions. The wave of sadness was suffocating, the one from Klaus being for self-hatred, and from Luna, it was the sadness from how he was treated.

They both hated the way that he was treated, and his story gave Luna the confidence to talk about her mother.

Therefore, in a moment she had said,

"Nik I need to tell you something. It's something that I've never told anyone,"

Luna said. Luna had then felt a feeling which was like a burst of confidence, she's finally able to tell someone her story, someone other than her journal.

"Nick, my mother at first was an amazing person. She watched over me, she loved me like in a mother would. Then, one day everything changed. I used to be a very open outgoing girl, confident, and I was saying anything that was on my mind. Then, she made me into a servant," Luna had started to say.

She had started to begin sobbing to herself. The memories coming back to haunt her, she had not faced her memories since the day that Klaus had shouted at her, but those are only momentary flashes, nothing compared to what she was feeling now.

Now she was feeling every emotion that she had ever felt when her mother was alive.

"Nik, I hate her. She had killed me, she destroyed me. Now, there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know how to make myself back to the way I was," Luna finished.

It was not the whole story, not even every event that had occurred. Though, it gave Klaus the basic information about Luna's mother. 

Klaus was fuming, the emotions that he had felt from telling his story were still present within him, and the new information that was given to him made him even more enraged.

"Luna, know this, I will always protect you," Klaus had started. He cupped her face in his hand, Luna moving into his hand, and then looking up at him.

"No one will ever harm you again. I will make sure of it, and you will be yourself again," Klaus added on.

"I am doing this because I fancy you, always have, always will. I don't know if you feel the same about me, but you will always be my little moon," Klaus finished.

He was going to leave the room, already knowing that Luna was going to reject him, but then he felt himself being tugged downwards.

When he looked to see Luna, she had quickly leaned in, and she kissed him.

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