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It has already been two years since Klaus Mikaelson and Luna Diaz had started dating

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It has already been two years since Klaus Mikaelson and Luna Diaz had started dating. The two were happy together, they both had helped each other grow personally, and they could not be more content with her life.

Though, now Klaus was the one who was facing a problem. He believed that they have been together for long enough, and he wanted to propose.

The couple had a love that was very rare, love itself is actually very rare, and thus Klaus had felt ready for the next step.

While Klaus Mikaelson was dealing with this 'issue', Luna had been feeling sick these days. She had no idea what it was, but nowadays she was feeling nauseous these days whenever there was food being made in the kitchen. She got tired really easily, and she was a little bit snappy these days.

Obviously, the Mikaelson family had realized that the way that Luna was acting has changed.

That she was feeling sick, though, the only person that she had confided in was Rebekah on this.

The only person who didn't realize that there was a problem with Luna was Klaus.

He was so caught up in trying to find the right time and the right way to propose, that he did not notice these little changes.

"Rebekah I need your help," Luna said one morning.

There were eggs being cooked in the kitchen, and for some reason, Luna could not stand the smell of it. It had already been a week or two since the symptoms have occurred, and that was when Luna had decided that it was finally time for her to visit a doctor.

That was why she needed Rebekah with her, Klaus was actually somewhat preoccupied during the time, and Rebekah was the only one who knew that Luna was feeling this way.

"Of course, anything you need," Rebekah said.

It was true that Rebekah would help Luna with anything that she needed since she had viewed Luna as her sister.

She knew something wrong, and Rebekah knows the symptoms. These are somewhat familiar to her within the time that she spent of life, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"I need to go to a doctor Rebekah, these symptoms have been going on for two weeks now," Luna said.

Rebekah had nodded in agreement.

Then, by the middle of the day, the two of them were on their way to the doctor. Once they had made it to the hospital, it had become more of a waiting game.

"Miss Diaz," a nurse spoke out loud.

Luna's heart was racing already, and when she heard her name being called her heart had begun to beat faster. Then, as Rebekah had noticed this, she grabbed onto Luna's hand tightly. Giving her hand squeeze of comfort because she wanted Luna to know that she was there for her.

No matter what the outcome was.

"Hello, I am Dr. Pierce," the doctor spoke.

She had a clipboard in her hand, and Luna was ready to just finish this off as fast as possible.

"Hello, I'm Luna Diaz and this is my friend Rebekah Mikaelson," Luna replied.

"So, what's been going on with you?" The doctor asked.

Luna had then begun  to play with her fingers, seemingly feeling even more nervous than before.

"I've recently been feeling really nauseous, and more tired than usual," Luna said.

Then Luna had begun to list all of her symptoms, and the doctor had almost a moment of realization of what was going on.

"So, I'll just take a blood test, and we'll figure out exactly what's going on," the doctor said.

She was comforting Luna since the doctor had believed the news that she was going to give to Luna was going to be a surprise.

Both Luna and Rebekah had waited in the room, hoping that nothing horrible was happening. Then, in some time, the doctor had come back into the room.

"Good news, you're pregnant," the doctor said.

That was when Luna and Rebekah's world had stopped. The two did not know that this was possible, and whatever the doctor had said was not being processed by them.

The two made it home, and Luna had seen that Klaus was talking to her in her haze, and then Klaus had dragged her outside. The place was decorated beautifully, and Luna was not able to admire it all.

Again, Klaus was talking, and Luna did not hear much. All that she had heard was,

"Luna Diaz, will you marry me?" Klaus asked while remaining on one knee.

"Klaus, I'm pregnant," Luna replied.

That was when Klaus' world had paused for a moment, not understanding how this was possible. This was a shock to the two, but they would soon realize that it is a gift.

Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for the attention and the love you have given to the story of Klaus and Luna. I had never expected this, and now, I want to announce that I am planning on writing a story which is the journey of Luna and Klaus during Luna's pregnancy!

Tell me what you guys think! <3

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