Freak the Freak Out

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Jade's POV

God I hated her. I had no words to describe the pure, deeprooted, hate I had for this girl. Sure everyone knows I'm not a very big fan of people as a whole, but anyone who wasn't  a total dumbass could see I treated her differently from anyone else. There was just something that irritated me so much about her. Little miss Sally Peaches perfect sunshine world. No one should be THAT happy, and I'd be damned if I didn't make her overly perfect sunshine world the closest thing to hell that I could.

I mean the nerve of that latina. She really thinks she can be the privileged nobody that lives the most amazing happy perfect life? As if the world revolves around her. God just the thought of her peppy attitude is making me queasy. Gross.

I knew from the second I saw her rubbing on my boyfriend that she was unlike all the other filth of the school. She was someone I'd have to go out of my way to remind that she's not all she thinks she is. See it's easy with everyone else because all it takes is one look and they take off running in the opposite direction. No one puts up a fight. Except Vega. And she is the last person I'd ever let try and ruin my reputation no matter how much of a gank I'd have to be to keep her in line.

I've tried to make her life here her worst nightmare, and I'm pretty sure I've succeeded there between the countless things I've done to her.

Today was... well let's just say it was odd to say the least. It all started when the gang decided to go check out the new karaoke bar that had just opened up recently. We were all having fun well, Andre, Robbie, Cat, and Beck were anyways, I was just there for Beck. I had left to go get a drink and when I came back I saw some girls all over Beck. This was obviously something I wasn't going to stand for and while I'd have loved to pour my drink all over them and send them to Vega's house so they could start an annoying little club, Beck was giving me one of those 'don't you dare' looks so I had to hold myself back as hard as I could.

"Hey, check out dude's jacket," the ugly blonde one motioned to Andre's letterman jacket.

"ohhhh, Hollywood Arts. The school for...wannabes," the gross brunette quipped. Beck was seriously gonna owe me for not tearing their heads off right this second.

"Y'know you might WANNABE shutting your face their," I replied dryly.

Andre tried to break the tension by mentioning something about stupid buffalo nuggets, but I was too angry to pay attention. I'd rather be around Vega right now and THATS saying something.

"You singing tonight?" the leader of the two asked.

"Well we certainly didn't come for the buffalo wings," I quipped.

"So are we, guess we'll be having ourselves a little sing off". She gave me an arrogant smirk before stalking off as if they could possibly win and I couldn't wait to wipe it off her face.

"Are buffalo wings spicy?" Cat timidly asked. I decided to ignore her because well if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. While I may only say not nice things, I was trying to save up my energy to give the performance of a life time to ruin these girls.

We were hanging around for the next 5 minutes before the MC called up Hayley and Tara and as soon as they opened their mouths I had to try my absolute hardest not to laugh. They were so incredibly horrible and tone deaf it was one of the best things I ever got to watch because I didn't even have to do anything for them to embarass themselves.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt