Break up Wake up

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Tori's POV

"Uh ma'am you said your phone was acting up."

"Okay and?"

"This smells like it's been dunked in alcohol and it's sticky."

"Get to the point!" I demand impatiently with worry.

"We're not replacing this, clearly this wasn't faulty merchandise on our part, you broke your phone yourself," the T-Mobile rep argues before slapping the phone back in my hand and sending me away.

"Ughhhhhhh," I groan out in defeat drudging lazily towards jade before I rest my face against her collarbone.

"There there Ms Russia, it's typical for con artists to fail their first scam," she says giving me harsh uncaring pats on the back of my head which makes me pull back and give her a glare.

Jade's POV

"Oh quit being a baby and just go buy a new phone," I lecture miss moody Russia.

"Gee wish I thought of that thanks so much for your input Catherine Obvious."

"Jesus Vega how many times do I need to tell you it's captain! CAP-TAIN!" I shake my head in disappointment. "Alright how much money do you have?"

"Not enough for a new phone," she replies.

"Okay look we'll split the down payment and then you'll have more money by the time the monthly payment comes around," I say then grab her wrist and drag her over to the T-Mobile rep once again.

I look back to her and see a cheesy smile on her face.

"Alright spit it out what is it this time," I ask cutting to the chase.

"Nothing I just got reminded of when you use to drag me into the janitors closet. I kinda miss it," she shrugs with unbearably cute yet sad and timid shining eyes looking more towards the ground before glancing up to meet my own.

I throw my jacket over her face. "What was that for?!" She breaks her previously adorable doe eyed expression into a more annoyed Tori expression.

"You were being too cute it made me want to rip my eyes out and choke on them," I answer giving her a sarcastic smile.

"I hate that you're so good at being mean and nice at the same time," she says rolling her eyes at me with crossed arms.

"Alright ladies I've got the phone here and here is the paperwork," the annoying rep approached us now with a phone box and a clipboard with papers and a pen.

While Vega is going down the list and signing the rep tries to make conversation. "So... what school are you girls at?"

"Palms middle school," I answer annoyed.

"Yeah uh-huh no really what college are you girls at?" He asks again.

"Probably some place that didn't accept you."

"Look lady I'm just trying to make some conversation," he says scooting a little closer.

"And I'm trying to tell you I'd rather chew my arm off and stick it in a woodchipper than be anywhere near you," I say even more irritated than before.

"Must you aggravate my phone officer guy person?" I hear Vega whisper at me.

"Sign the papers Tori," I reply ignoring what she had said.

"So what school are you over at ma'am?" The rep moves on to asking Vega instead.

"She's trying time sign things could you not?" I complain.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن