Little Lie Of Mine

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Tori's POV
It had been a week and a half since me and jade went on our first date. A week and a half since she first called me her girlfriend. A week and a half since we've had any time together. School has kept us both really busy. After school wasn't an option either, I couldn't afford to sneak jade in since I was gone when my family woke up that day so between that and my mom informing my dad of all my love bites, the whole house was basically on high alert to find out who this mystery boy was.

Trina wanted to know because she probably would want him for herself if it was even a him. Mom wants to know because she'd love to embarrass and tease me about it, and dad wants to know so he can use his gun on 'him'.

And because the secret was out that there was SOMEONE in my life that also means my family was on high alert as to who I spend time with and I just couldn't risk going to Jade's house. Since Trina found out about me having a secret someone of course she's blabbed enough for my friends and basically anyone at Hollywood arts to know at this point.

So I couldn't risk anything. I couldn't risk getting caught in secret hangouts alone with jade, I couldn't risk too much platonic pda with jade either because any pda with jade is a dead give away since she doesn't let most people even touch her.

The only thing we could do was text. But god it was driving us crazy. She was desperate to get some alone time with me and I with her. I missed spending nights with her and waking up to her warm body the next morning. Her gorgeous bed head and hot morning voice and of course the morning kisses.

I missed her teasing me and then doing something cute afterwards to make up for it. I missed being able to be just close enough to be intoxicated by her scent. God I missed her.

Everyone was so curious to know about my love life because well let's be real here, my love life is usually very dead and any activity in it dies very fast. And I'm pretty sure I don't think anyone's ever seen me with hickies before now much less as many as jade has left on me.

The fact that I was being so secretive about it and wouldn't spill a single thing about 'him' just enticed everyone more.

"Hey we're all headed to nozu, wanna come with?" Beck's voice grabs my attention, I turn from my locker and look over to him.

"Uh yeah sure I guess," I respond.

"Are you alright?" He suddenly asks.

"Yeah why?" I asked confused.

"You've just seemed a bit out of it lately," he comments as we start walking to the parking lot to meet up with the others.

"Sorry I guess I've just been lost in thought a bit more these days. Lot to think about," I say as I stare towards the ground in thought. Yep way too much thinking lately.

"Does it have anything to do with this secret boyfriend of yours?" He questions curiously.

"I suppose. It's just been hard that's all. I miss this person so much, but we both really haven't had the time or space from other people, and I guess I'm just a little down about that," I answer truthfully.

"I'm sorry about that Tori, look I'll talk to the others and see if I can get them to back off a bit maybe," he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder before we finally meet in the parking lot.

"Alright so who's riding with me and who's riding with jade," Beck asks now.

"I'll take Tori," Jade says nonchalantly but not realizing she used my first name.

"Who else?" Beck asks her.

"No one. Everyone else is insufferable," she mumbles then grabs my wrist and forces me over to her car.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ