Prom Wrecker

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Jade's POV
I was walking down the hall when I noticed Vega and Cat hiding at a corner peeking over at something and see Andre and some girl making out.

"Is Andre trying to swallow that girl?" I ask taken a back by just how intense they were.

"N-no I think they're just kissing," Cat whispers back dumbly in response. Cats phone then proceeded to beep. "Oh it's my brother," she says turning to me now.

"Did he get everything I needed?" I ask her arching an eyebrow.

"He got the clown costume, the power drill, and the 12 gallons of blood," she replied.

"Wow, where'd he find 12 gallons of fake blood?" I ask impressed.

"You wanted fake blood?" Cat quietly asks in a scared manner. "I'll go call my brother."

Well I don't know what kind of blood we're getting now, but at the end of the day 12 gallons of ANYTHINGS blood was disturbing, but it was Cat's brother so I suppose I should've expected disturbing.

"So should I ask WHY you want blood, a drill, and a clown suit?" Vega asks confused as she opens her locker.

"It's for a live performance I'm doing," I answer nonchalantly.

"What's it about," Andre asks as he walks up to us now.

"A clown. And a parachute. That doesn't open," I respond casually.

"What's it called?" Vega asks with a now disturbed look on her face. I take out a flyer of it and hand it to her. "Clowns don't bounce," she reads aloud.

"They don't," Andre says while shrugging.

"No," I agree quickly.

We end up coming across Robbie and a messed up Rex who claims the northridge prom girls set off a prom bomb or something only to have Robbie quickly run off because Rex seemed like he was about to be sick. Honestly I hate that puppet.

"Hey when is our prom?" I hear Vega suddenly ask.

"We don't have a prom," I answer back annoyed.

"What?!" She asks shocked.

"Proms are stupid," I say in a 'isn't that obvious' voice.

"I love proms," the latina says with a look of anger on her face now.

"Which would make sense, because you're you, and proms are stupid," I quip before walking off to class.

Tori's POV
I was over in Sikowitz's room talking to him about prom since he seemed to be the head of student activities. I couldn't believe of all schools one as cool as this one wouldn't have a prom!

I don't care what Jade says proms are the best and how can any high school experience be truly complete without a prom?!

"So can we have a prom?" I ask him hopefully.

"Yes," he answers with a smile on his face.

"Yayyy! Thank you," I celebrate.

"But! It's either got to beeeee, this Saturday, orrrrrr last Tuesday," he says looking at a calendar.

"Wait. This Saturday?! But that only gives us like 5 days to get everything ready!" I complain.

"Then you best hurry."

"Oh. Okay, just a couple questions," I start.

"Later, I REALLY have to take my grandmother to the hospital," he responds.

"Oh, okay," I say a bit confused and only get further confused when I see him walk over to the window and open it then grab an old lady that was outside it.

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