Car, Rain & Fire

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Tori's POV
"WHERE IS SHE?!" I shout to myself. "Excuse me have you seen cat?" I ask a boy in the hall who shakes his head. "Have you?" I ask the girl next to him who also shakes her head. Ughhh.

I practically bump into Beck who asks if I've seen Trina while I ask if he's seen cat at the same time. Apparently Trina had been spreading rumors that her and Beck had been dating or something.

About 3 weeks ago Beck and Jade had broken up. It was pretty rough but they didn't seem to have any intention on getting back together the way they usually did. To top it off, since the two had split, Andre had been EXTRA all over Jade and it was driving me crazy.

"Cat!" I shout at the redhead who I finally found sitting in front of some lockers.

"Sup," she says sadly.

"Sup?! I've been trying to find you since I woke up this morning!"

"At least you woke up, some people didn't," she replies.

"What do you mean?" I ask concerned now taking a seat next to her. "And why are you all sad?"

"How do you know I'm sad?" She asks.

"Well you're dressed in sad colors, you were playing a sad song, oh and you're wearing a button that says 'I'm sad ask me why'" I point out.

"Mona Patterson died," she sighs.

"Ohhh... I'm so sorry... that I don't know who Mona Patterson IS," I say.

"That's what's so sad! She's my favorite actor ever she was on a popular show from the 1960s!"

"What show?" I ask.

"How I married my mom!"

"Oh yeah I like that show," I lie slightly disturbed by the name.

"I use to watch reruns of it with brother when he was in the special hospital where he was handcuffed to his bed."

Okay honestly her brother scares me.

"But now no one even remembers Mona Patterson or cares that she's gone," the redhead says sadly.

"I'm sure all her fans care," I try to comfort her.

"No when I visited her star in Hollywood there wasn't any flowers or anything!"

"Well I'm sorry you're sad but we have a science project due tomorrow and we still have a lot of work to do!"

"No im too sad to science," she protests then starts crying which breaks my heart.

"Okay where did Mona Patterson live?" I ask.

"Here in California," she answers through sniffs.

"Well how about after school we drive over to her house and we leave a candle or something outside her door step to honor her memory or something?" I offer the girl.

"Can it be a scented candle?"

"Sure," I smile at her.

"Cuz I have one that smells like cinnamon buns," she continues.

"Did Mona Patterson like cinnamon buns?" I ask confused.

"I don't know we weren't friends!"

"Okay so you find out where Mona Patterson lives and then after school we'll drive over there, leave the candle, then drive back to my place and work on our science project til we finish," I go over the plan.

"You're driving," she says.

"I can't I failed my test," I reply.

"Then who's gonna drive us?!"

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin